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"This is ridiculous," Grant said in mild frustration as Arcee held him in one hand, her other covering his eyes.

"Trust me, you'll  like this," Arcee said with a chuckle, walking through the base.

Arcee approached the door to Grant's rudimentary room. The door jostled as she neared it but didn't open.

She sighed, kicking it, causing it to open, sliding upward.

"And here you are! Your new home away from home, " Arcee said with a slight proud tone as she set Grant down, uncovering his eyes.

The teen staggered slightly, stepping down from her hands, his eyes widening.

He looked around the once barren room, finding it now decorated, albeit rather sparsely, considering the size of the interior.

There was a dresser, a bed. Even a Telivion.

It was an older box Television, with his gaming console hooked up to it.

"W-Wait! You went to my house?!" He asked in slight frustration, looking the Cybertronian woman.

"Yes, Ares and I made a pit stop to grab some things for you. None of the furniture, though. "

"The bed and Dresser we found outside a "thrift shop,' Arcee explained, earning a mild hum of frustration from the teen.

"Dont worry, your sister wasn't home. She won't even notice. Well, i did scuff up a tiny table a little bit walking in. "

"Your homes are a LOT smaller on the inside than i thought," Arcee mused as she watched Grant approach the telivision.

"The Tv?" He asked curiously.

"An alleyway still works at least," Arcee said with a shrug.

Grant paused, powering on the television, a soft hum of static coming from it as the screen lit up with a soft green text "video one."

"I haven't had one of these TVs since i was little, little," He said with a slight chuckle, placing his hand just above the screen, static crackling between his hand and the screen.

"I know you used to watch cartoons before school on it. Every. Single. Day, " Arcee remarked, a slight chuckle escaping her.

Grant paused, looking up to the Cybertronian woman, who shifted slightly in place.

"How... How long were you "watching over me? " He asked with a slightly uncomfortable tone.

Arcee paused for a moment, "clearing" her throat awkwardly as she crossed her arms.

"Get settled in, I'll be back," she said with a softer tone, leaving the room, letting out a heavy artificial breath, her com-link beeping softly.

"What, Ratchet?" she asked with a twinge of frustration.

"What's got your bearings in a bunch?" Ratchet asked through the com-link, slight surprise in his voice.

"Just...tell me what you need" She ordered, leveling out her tone.

"Well, It's regarding our human guest-"

"Grant" Arcee corrected firmly.

"Right. Grant."

"I've finished analyzing the blood sample I took from him after your encounter with that Decepticon scout"

"I believe both you and Optimus may want to come see this for yourselves"

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