The Fall, The Nether & The Master

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Meanwhile in the library...

Draco was never one to pace.

He was raised to believe that it made one look disheveled and unorganized. Unprepared. Even though that was exactly how he felt the moment Hermione had left his rooms to return to her own. The Malfoy Heir had half a mind to use his own form of persuasion to keep the brunette under restraint if it meant spending more time with her. But as usual, Draco did not force the matter.

He watched her bounce about the room, gathering her belongings, and promising to meet him in their usual spot in the back of the library. As soon as he heard her leave his chambers, Draco had stayed, still as stone, in his bed, comprehending what the hell had just taken place. He nearly pinched himself to ensure that none of it was a dream. And thankfully, it was not.

Draco closed his eyes and reminisced the last hour and half of them. Each detail was happily engraved inside of his head, forever to be cherished like a piece of priceless artwork.

Watching Hermione fall apart in his arms, all for the sake of pleasure consuming her every sense, was beginning to become a new profound interest of his. Her nail-curling, desperate sounds; the wonderful way her body arched and moved to its own special rhythm; the wanton look in her eyes she'd only ever let him see. It was perfect. She was perfect .

How could fate even think about pairing him with someone else?

That book, the one in which had unforgettably informed him about the highly probable chance of fate pairing him with some random person, was still embedded in his mind. It felt like a stone was pressing on the back of his head. Knowing this kind of information and choosing not to tell Hermione about it, felt wrong. It almost felt like lying to some degree.

About halfway through getting ready to leave for the library, Malfoy had made the decision to tell Hermione about his findings. After she was finished telling him what has been eating away at her, he would tell her his hidden information.

Draco forced himself to swallow the fear of what could possibly come from sharing such information. Would she stop seeing him? Would she feel guilty over the notion that he technically was meant to be with someone else?

He growled in indignation from the mere thought of it all. No. He would not lose her. Not to someone else. Not by fate's choice. Draco would not allow it. Hermione Granger belonged to him. The way she sought him out in her own mind was all the evidence he needed.

Not to mention that she's the only one whom we can feel at all times.

Draco stalled in his rigorous pacing. He slowly lifted his head up, his eyes widened.

"Wait a minute..." he said to himself. "You're right. Granger is the only one we can feel. Obviously there's a reason as to why that is."

So then there's still a chance!

A spark of hope flickered in the depths of his being. Draco would not naturally allow himself to jump to any favorable conclusions, no matter how much it made his creature purr in satisfaction. What he needed was confirmation. But even still, was he truly 'okay' with the thought of Hermione being fated to someone like him?

Either way, there was too little that he knew or understood about the concept. The blond could almost kick himself for not finishing the passage in the book. Surely there was something that he missed in that book which could undisputedly confirm his suspicions.

" Granger isn't here yet ?" A deep, familiar voice called from the narrow pathway around the bookcase. 

Draco's eyebrows furrowed. "Zabini? What the hell are you doing here?"

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