You Cannot Hide In The Sun

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Blaise had no idea how he hadn't snapped his hand at the back of Draco's head. The man had literally raised his hand up and readied himself to strike for his friend's insolence. But no. It took him a solid moment to remember that Draco still had no idea what was happening to Hermione.

But even still, Malfoy's honest answer had caused him to think back to what the brunette witch had asked him earlier. ' Do you really think that Draco would ever consider biting me? '

Well, now they had an answer. Which was quite frankly the very opposite of what he'd expected, and wanted, to hear. What Zabini truly wanted to do was grab his friend by the shoulders, shake some sense into him, and shout manically into face until he'd change his answer.

"You listen here, you undead, pain in my arse! Have you any clue how long it took for me to instill an ounce of secure confidence into this witch, who's thankfully fast asleep, to work up the courage to tell you what is currently happening to her?!" Blaise screamed to himself in his head.

He wanted to push the matter even further but conceded not to. Merlin, he couldn't even ask if he'd ever think to bite her even if it was absolutely necessary . It would certainly raise too many suspicions with Draco, and this was not his news to tell.

Blaise collected his patients and regrouped his thoughts. This new tid-bit of information was indeed remarkable, and certainly raised at least a dozen more questions. But perhaps...perhaps it secretly held the answers to a whole other part of this demented puzzle that no one has been able to understand as of yet.

"Where did you read about this?" Zabini asked calmly.

Draco shifted in his chair, straightening his shoulders back before shooting a glance at his friend. "In one of the books Hermione and I swiped from the restricted section of the library," he said swiftly. Zabini held back a smirk at the thought of the two of them sneaking around the school together. "She wanted to know more about vampires- still haven't a single clue as to why. But the books are down in my rooms. As for this particular book, it's titled ' Sanguis et Vincula '."

"Blood and Bonds?" Zabini questioned with a raise of his brow. Draco nodded and continued explaining.

"It went into depth about the nature of a vampire. Of course none of it was actually 'positive' in my case. The usual mentions of isolation, loneliness, and then a slow, unbearable slip into madness." He rolled his eyes and sneered. "But then it got into a part that gave a little blip of hope- if you honestly want to call it that."

Zabini rolled his eyes up to the ceiling and was silently regretting not having left when Potter and Weasley did. It had been a long day and much like everyone else, he too had experienced a hurricane of emotions. All he desperately wanted was a hot shower and his damn bed. However, he was still determined to hang on for the sake of discovery.

Thankfully, his scowl was enough of an indicator for Draco to skip to the main point of his explanation. The blond ran a harsh hand through his ruffled hair and huffed. "It said that the only way a vampire could escape such a horrible fate would be if they were to find their 'predestined', or something like that. Then it went on to talk about the connection being complex...and then something about there being consequences for the counterpart."

Okay, now they were getting somewhere. Blaise narrowed his eyes. "What kind of consequences?"

"A vampire's bond with their mate is apparently much more involved compared to a bond between a veela and their mate. A vampire's predestined needs more than to just accept their other half...I think it said that they will have to undergo some kind of a change-

"A change? What kind of a change?" Blaise was at his wits end. His ability to hold back his enthusiasm to know more had finally reached its capacity. The nerves in his stomach were jumping into his throat. He could practically taste the completion of this entire mystery. But any and all hope of Zabini's night ending on a high note were immediately wiped out when Draco shook his head and shrugged.

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