Damage Control

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Not one person could easily explain what occurred next.

All that the students and faculty could see from where they were standing was a large vampire bent over Draco. In a split second, the white-haired Slytherin had reached out to grab Ivan's face. But the next thing they saw was the entire area become engulfed with rippling flames.

It was then they watched their fierce defender rise to his feet. With his hands still extended outwards, everyone saw the roaring flames shoot from the tips of Malfoy's fingers.

The other vampire staggered away, fighting to put out the flames of his burning flesh. More than half of his face had peeled and chard away, leaving him practically blind. But Draco kept his fire coming.

All the anger that he'd forced himself to swallow and keep repressed was tearing through him like the same fire that was coming from his own hands.

Draco released an earth-shaking scream. It made the ground rumble and vibrate, causing many of the staff and students to nearly trip. He roared until the fire had run out. And even then, he screamed until his voice was all but gone.

"I am not a monster! And you will not take away what is rightfully mine!" he shouted. "But I will gladly be the one who gets to rip your heart from your chest."

Ivan hissed, but made no move to attack any further. Like the coward he proved himself to be, he traced away.

Malfoy sighed a breath of relief, turning his attention back to the crowd of people who had witnessed what were almost his last moments alive.

He had spotted his friends and wished his legs held the strength to carry him forward. However, upon seeing Hermione amongst the crowd sent his body and mind into complete overdrive. A peaceful smile touched his lips.

"Safe," he rasped to himself. "She's safe."

Yes...We protected our princess. She is safe.

"Rest... Need rest."

Draco made it all of one step before his knees gave out and he stumbled to the ground.

A broken cry tore from his friends. "DRACO!!"

Many of the people that stood there came rushing down the hill in order to get to him. Hermione was the first to reach his limp form. A cracked groan escaped her throat when she beheld all the injuries his frail body had endured. All the blood that stained and cladded to him was enough to give her nightmares for months.

Mione carefully turned Draco in her arms. Harry quickly slipped off his outer robes to drape them gently over his injured chest. She couldn't keep the tears that were falling from her eyes.

"Come on," Harry said to her. "Let's get him to Pomfrey."

The witch nodded her head and slipped her arms around Draco's shoulders with the help of both Harry and Blaise. Together, they carried him back to the castle as carefully as they could.

Everyone had grown silent. It was like walking through a cemetery, only the body wasn't going in the ground-Hermione held him close to her as best as she could.

. . .

Harry and Blaise busted through the doors to the infirmary with Hermione following in-suit behind them. Madame Pomfrey quickly shot up from her desk and rushed to their side.

"Oh gracious, what happened here?"

It was clear to see that, thankfully, Ivan's wrath hadn't reached the hospital wing of the castle. But surely the elder witch would have heard the monstrous ruckus that echoed off the walls.

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