An Unexpected Gaurdian

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After a good hour of soaking in the bath and in each other's arms, the two carefully got out and toweled off. Draco came back to his senses long before then and was mildly surprised to find that neither of them were debauched from when he last faded out.

Hermione turned to look at him with a suggestive smirk.

"Turns out your creature can be just as soft as you sometimes," she laughed.

Malfoy shot her glare that quickly turned into a playful expression. "Oh, really? My witch thinks I'm soft?"

Mione's eyes grew wide in alarm. Oh, boy. Lord knows what she just got herself into. Her whole tenses as though it were preparing itself for some sort of ruthless attack.

Draco reached out to capture her waist but was swiftly interrupted by a sudden knock on the door. The two of them froze where they stood and glanced back at one another.

"Are you expecting someone?" she asked.

Draco shook his head.

Much to both of their dismay, he pulled away long enough to see who was at the door. When Draco opened it, no one was there... Only a rolled up parchment.

He brought it back to share with Hermione and hastily unraveled it.

Miss Granger & Mr. Malfoy,

Please come to my office as soon as possible. There is someone here who wishes to speak to you both. As well as an... unexpected visitor.


Both Hermione and Draco shared a confused look between themselves. The two wasted no time reaching McGonagall's office. Just as they arrived they were greeted by a familiar pair of gray eyes and the headmistress.

Narcissa Malfoy got up from her seat with the latest issue of the Daily Prophet clutched in her hands.


Her delicate features were masked by a look of sheer disbelief and wonderment. She first greeted her son with a quick peck on the cheek and then reached for Hermione's hand.

The woman hadn't even given a second thought to the younger witch's physical changes this time.

"Mother, what brings you here?" Draco asked.

Minerva suggested that they all sit down and sent a house elf for fresh tea.

"It's your father," Narcissa said coolly. "The Ministry, they... released him."

Draco noticed the tension leave Hermione's shoulders. What he hadn't expected was for her to step up and begin asking her own set of questions.

"So, he's back at the manor now? How is he physically? What of his magic?"

Narcissa stared wide-eyed at Mione's trail of questions.

A sudden blush touched the young witch's cheeks. "Forgive my bluntness, Mrs. Malfoy. To my surprise, Draco's father had written to me a week ago. I wasn't expecting to ever hear from him, given our past. But I can honestly say that I'm glad I did."

Draco's mother looked too stunned for words.

"I will happily explain why Lucius was released back to you," Hermione said. "But, I would really like to know how he's doing first."

Narcissa cleared her throat and tried to regain what little composure she had left.

"He's severely weak," she explained. "I called a healer to come to the house to at least give us a more detailed diagnosis. However, it's difficult to determine whether or not he will get better. The healer has supplied us with a few potions for replenishing his strength, yet it doesn't seem to do much good."

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