Ch.51 ~ 8 months

754 25 35

3rd Person POV

8 months Earlier

The wind was knocked out of the women who'd come seconds away from death before blowing a hole through a walker's skull. The dead weighted body collapsed onto her knocking her harshly to the ground forcing the oxygen out of her lungs.

Seconds later the woman was freed of the extra weight constricting her lungs from sucking back on the air that was forced out of them. Pulling her weakened body up the women's brown eyes locked on to bright blue eyes almost resembling snow.

The fluffy white and grey ball of fur growled at the blonde woman before pouncing on another walker nearby. With another growl and a few more shots the pair began to run towards a red car just in front of the farmhouse where the woman saw Rick rushing around to the driver's seat.

"Wait!" The blonde woman yelled, waving her arms frantically as the car drove away. "This way Sky." The woman then ushered tapping her thigh as if to signal the dog to follow her as they ran into the surrounding forest hoping to lose the walkers.

All night the pair ran, taking down walkers and never stopping for even a second to rest. At one point they lost each other as Skylla ran off to take down a walker Andrea couldn't see coming during the pitch darkness of night. However, by the time morning rolled around, when Andrea stopped beside a tree to reload and take a breather, her back turned and a walker ready to gnaw on her, did the ball of fur return in a deadly pounce as she tackled the walker to the ground killing it.

Turning back to the blonde woman, eyes wild with blood lust and chin dripping with rotten blood and flesh. The two once again began running or hobbling away from the onslaught of walkers that had followed them off the farm and now flooded the forest.

Skylla stayed behind tackling walkers trying to keep them away from Andrea. But eventually the human woman was unable to maintain her strength falling to the ground. Her stamina completely depleted. Andrea rolled onto her back and began to scurry away from a walker that Skylla hadn't been able to take down just yet. She tried killing it with her gun but her clip was empty, nothing but a clicking sound resonating from the metal cylinder.

The walker drew closer and closer, beginning to stretch down to feast on the women when its head was suddenly decapitated from its body. As the body fell to the ground two figures stood behind the falling body. Well six figures but only two were living breathing humans, the other four were walkers tied to chains missing their arms and jaws.

The hooded figure removed their hood to reveal a dark skinned woman with dreadlocks and a scowl upon her face. The woman held a katana in one hand that dripped with fresh walker blood. Standing next to her was a tall figure with a mask over the lower half of their face. They had outgrown blonde hair tied back into a man bun and piercing E/c eyes that seemed all too familiar to Andrea.

It wasn't till the man pulled down his mask to reveal the same stoic expression did she make the connection to a fellow member of her ex group. The stoic glare was uncanny, Y/n had worn it enough times around the woman for her recent actions, the E/c eyed glare permanently etched into her mind. The man was dressed head to toe in army gear meant for footed exhibitions and two giant guns, one on his back the other in his arms.

"We need to move." The man suddenly spoke in a thick Wenglish accent, extending his hand to the blonde woman on the floor after chucking the gun he held on his back. A bark caught his attention before a ball of fur crashed into him licking his face happily.

On reflex the dark skinned woman pointed the sword at the dog only to lower it when Andrea moved in front of it. "Skylla's a friend." She says.

"Skylla!" The man suddenly yelled looking the dog in the eyes before being overcome with recognition.

Daryl's Lullaby ~ Daryl Dixon x Reader ~ On Temporary HoldWhere stories live. Discover now