Chapter 16. Powerless

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Black spots briefly stain my vision as I recover from the impact my father's touch had on me, a ringing sound blocking the shouting voices that are now surrounding the space.

"Who the fuck do you think you're talking to?" Shouts my father in anger at me, rage brimming his every thought, blacking out.

"Don't you dare touch her!" Damiano's voice suddenly overlaps his, yelling and hurrying to grab him from behind, yet Alessandro escapes his grip, hovering over me.

"Damiano! Calm down!" I finally manage to see Thomas trying to stop Damiano from punching my father as he's balancing over me, wanting to hit me again. I back away as fast as I can, dodging his hand when both of my friends grab him from behind, dragging him to the door, taking him outside.

"Let me go!" His scream reaches my ear from outside and I rush to the terrace, looking down to see both Thomas and Damiano pushing him outside, leaving him on the sidewalk. They were turning around to get inside just when Damiano rushes back to the man that attacked me and throws his fist into his cheek, punching him, making him lose his balance and fall to the ground.

I get back inside as they quickly enter the apartment as well, Damiano rushing to me so he can delicately grab my face to hold in between his hands. My whole body is shaking in fear, panic threatening to make me lose control over my senses once again and I just try to concentrate on breathing deeply in order to conceal my real feelings, making it look like I got this.

"Are you okay?" His eyes are boarded into mine, concern written all over his facial features.

"Yes," I whisper, trying to fight my tears holding them back as I grab his wrists and break the physical contact from between us, yet our gazes are still interlocked, as if our hearts could speak through them.

    "Vic?" Thomas suddenly touches my shoulder, making me turn around and break my stare into the dark eyes that was connected to mine, seeing my best friend gently hand me some ice wrapped up in a cloth.

"Here, hold this against your cheek," he says in a caring tone, and sits down on the couch almost at the same time as me, while Damiano stays up, never taking his look off of me.

"You didn't have to punch him, you know?" I start mumbling tiredly to Damiano, making him turn abruptly to me, ready to argue.

"He hit you, Victoria!" He contradicts me, trying to reason his actions.

"I know, but you hitting him back doesn't make things better," I speak more defensively, "in fact, it makes you be just like him," I finish, looking away, knowing I have probably hurt him.

"What is it that you want, Victoria? 'Cause I know this isn't about what just happen," he states, sitting down on the armchair across from me.

    "What do you mean?" I query, confused of what he's trying to say.

    "You came here crying in the middle of the night, we hugged on the couch and sleept together and now it seems like you don't want anything to do with me," he responds in frustration.

"I don't want you to hit anyone!" I say, raising my voice, as my biggest fear was about to come true, scaring me away – the men around me turning into my father.

"Listen, I don't know what you're trying," he utters, looking completely lost. "You kiss me, then you push me away, then you come right back to me," Damiano's fidgeting nervously while he's shaking his leg, his whole body irradiating anxiety and nervousness. "You know I have a girlfriend," he's now annoyed, probably just as confused as I am, "I'm not up for games."

"This isn't a game, Damiano!" I tell him heated up, trying hard to express my feelings despite my anger, "I just don't want to fear you too!" I shout, making silence fall over us, Thomas looking at me from the side, supporting me through every word I say.

"I'm sorry," his voice trails off, gifting me a sincere gaze once he realizes that I probably have a bad history with men, especially the one that was just dragged out.

"You know what?" I look away, refusing to go through more heartbreak. "You're right, you have a girlfriend," I start, thinking of his previous words, "funny how you're telling me I play games when you're the one flirting with me while being in a sick and toxic relationship," I claim irritated at how he tried to turn this against me.

    He looks hurt by my words, as if he were powerless about his own destiny, as if couldn't do anything to change his faith.

    "Leave her and all games will be over," words burst out of my mouth without thinking, hoping he would listen to me, subconsciously looking after him too, pushing him to be happy and not end up like me, worn out by the monotony of taking care of someone, especially when he isn't in love with her.

"I'm sorry," he says, getting up, not even looking at me, grabbing his coat to then leave the apartment, slamming the door behind himself.

"What was all that about?" asks Thomas, confused about the new information he's just been introduced to.

"I think I'm falling for him," I whisper, my chest hurting with disappointment that he didn't stay and fight with me, fight for me but mainly for himself.

    Thomas takes the ice cloth that I was now holding on my lap, far from my probably bruised cheek and presses it against my face again, making me wince in pain.

    "He's blinded, Vic," I hear him say quietly, trying to find a reason behind Damiano's behavior, trying to comfort me as well. "That woman has her ways of keeping him restrained with her, it's sick. This is not the Damiano I know," he finishes, making me abruptly turn my look to him, "something must be going on."

    "It doesn't matter, Thom, it's clear he doesn't feel about me the way I feel about him," I look down sadly, not wanting my friend to see the tears my eyes are spilling and he grabs my hand with his free one, showing me all the support he has for me.

    "I don't know, girl, something's up, I'm telling you," Thomas remarks suspiciously, a wild theory possibly appearing inside his brain.


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