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Hyung helps him with Hot Summer, as he promised. He sits down next to him in the dining hall and slips a note in his pocket covertly when he pats him on the thigh. They make eye contact and Hanbin nods to show he felt Hyung's note slide into his pocket. Hanbin pulls it out later, when he's sure he's alone.

Homework: Think about if you want the top or bottom bunk in our room. Practice every day.

Hanbin flushes when he reads it. It's terrible code, and since they no longer have bunk-beds, someone else could probably read it and figure out what they're talking about. But Hanbin keeps it anyway. He tucks the note in the back of a framed photograph he brought of his family so that he can keep it without worrying about it being discovered. The production team take their phones most of the time, except when they want the trainees to film themselves, so hand-written notes are the most practical way of communicating in secret. And Hanbin wants to keep any hand-written note Hyung gives him.

His shower fantasies grow increasingly detailed and imaginative as a result of this direction from his sexy tutor. He continues to use a lot of water, which makes him feel less guilty now since there are so few trainees left and the showers are rarely occupied.

They both get the killing part for their respective songs. Hyung still, somehow, looks surprised when they announce this, like he doesn't yet understand that he's the second most-popular trainee with the audience.

They avoid being in the bathroom together for a while. They're practicing so much that neither of them really has the time or the energy to get up in the middle of the night, but that's not the real reason. Hanbin is genuinely worried about the producers catching them, so he convinces himself to meet with Hyung in view of the cameras. While the rest of his team is taking a break after dinner, Hanbin pulls Hyung into an empty practice room to get his individual feedback on his performance.

Hyung watches his dance with a discerning eye. When Hanbin finishes, Hyung gets a dangerous look.

"Your visuals are good. But... that part in the chorus where you pop your knee and crouch down?"

"Hm." Hanbin nods and replicates the move.

"You need to grab your crotch there," Hyung says seriously. Hanbin stares at him. He glances at the camera in the corner of the practice room, and then back at Hyung.

"I don't think they'll show that on TV," Hanbin cracks up. "I would like to be shown on TV during that part."

"Then... don't actually grab it, just... get a lot closer than that cute little hip-grab you're doing right now."

Hanbin tries it, grabbing the inner part of his upper thigh, instead of his hip, while repeating the move. Hyung watches him hungrily.

"Much better. You know Ji-Ung's going to do it. You don't want him to out-sexy you on the last episode."

"Thanks for the tip, 쌤*."

"Have you seen your costume yet?" Hyung asks him.

"You've gotten yours already?"

"Checked me for size yesterday," Hyung confirms. "I'm very cute. Sweater-vest under a blazer."

Hanbin bites his tongue and makes himself just nod.

"Of course, my vest rides up to about here when I jump..." Hyung marks just above his belly-button. "So. We'll see how that goes."

Hanbin laughs at Hyung's chagrin. He glances at the camera in the corner of the practice room again, then decides it's not really that damning to mention this.

"They're putting me in leather again. They showed me some options, and they're all leather. It's going to be a literal hot summer up on stage," Hanbin complains. He uses the word "hot" for temperature, not for people. But he knows what Hyung's preferences are for him now, so he can read his reaction.

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