Chapter Two

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As the rain pounded on the roof of Stile's Jeep and soaked their clothes, Scott and Stiles raced to bring in an unconscious Derek and Alex inside. Scott lifted teenage Derek over his shoulder, and Stiles picked her up bridal style to carry her into Deaton's office. Deaton, informed of Derek's and the unknown girl's state prior to their arrival, shoved off everything on the metal examining table to the floor so that they could be laid down on it.

"Wow," Deaton gasped at the sight of younger Derek, having never witnessed anything similar to this before.

"Wow? Wow as in you seen this before and know exactly what to do kind of wow? Cause that's the kind of wow we're hoping for," Stile said in his usual sarcastic tone.

"I think you might be overestimating my abilities."

"He's cold," Lydia noted out loud, holing his hand, "Really cold."

Deaton felt his hand and the abnormal absence of heat on his skin. He reached over to feel Alex's arm as well and noticed it was ordinarily warm. "Do any of you know her?"

They all shook their heads. "She was in the tomb with Derek," Scott said.

Deaton moved over to her side to check her eyes and pulse. He spotted a bloody tear on the side of her black shirt, and when he pulled it half way up to her stomach to look, there was nothing but bare, unmarked skin. "Scott, do you smell anything different about her? I fear she may have been bitten."

Scott lowered his head to sniff the brunette girl, "Yeah, but she doesn't smell like a werewolf." Everyone exchanged worried glances. "Is this permanent," he looked at Derek.

"I'm not sure a medical diagnosis is even adequate," he shined a pen light into his eyes and looked back concerned at Scott. "This is well beyond my experience, but I I don't think she's in the same state as Derek. I suspect she might wake up soon. She hasn't rejected the bite."

"So what do we do," Stiles wondered.

"'Til they wake up? Probably nothing much. It might be best to leave them with me. They'll be safe here."

"You mean from Kate," said Stiles.

"If she's alive and is what you say she is, she won't be able to make it past that gate."

"Why would she want to do this to him? And turn another," Lydia asked.

"Knowing Kate, it's probably for a reason that won't be good for anyone but her," Deaton answered.

"Or bad for everyone else," Stiles suggested, sleepily rolling his head.

"Yeah, you guys should probably go home. They don't look to be in any danger, so maybe the rest of you should get some sleep. It is a school night," he said on a lighter note. "You all need to start taking care of your own lives again." Deaton worried about the group of three he had come to closely know after Stiles was possessed by the nogitsune and the death of Allison and Aiden because they were more focused on saving others instead of looking after themselves.

"Someone one should stay with you," Scott said after he blinked away the exhaustion.

"I'll stay," offered Lydia, still holding Derek's hand. "My grades are fine, despite missing a few classes."

"I'm so not okay with this," Stiles said, wanting to protect the girl he had loved since they were kids.

"Guys, go," Lydia turned her head to look at him.

"No," he responded stubbornly.

"Text us when anything happens," said Scott.

"No, still not okay with it," Stiles interjected. "Not going anywhere." Scott pulled on his arm and headed towards the door with Stiles in tow, "Alright, just because you're stronger-"

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