Chapter Thirteen

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"We need to get you to the school," Derek said. He bended down next to her, preparing to pick her up from the chair.

"I'm not gonna lie Derek, but I'm not feeling too hot right now," she mumbled as her head rested on the metal table. Her breathes came out shallow and labored, yet she still managed to joke.

"Come on Al," he lifted her from the chair with ease. Holding her close to his chest, bridal-styles, he felt her burning forehead rest against his shoulder, yet her hands were cold and clammy.

"Everyone... Scott, Malia, and- They're there, they all are at the school, aren't they," she asked but knew the answer.

"Yeah, but the antidote is with them. We're going to go get it," he told her softly.

"Save them," she murmured before she neared unconsciousness again. She wasn't completely out yet, but she was close to going under. Although she still heard everything around her, she had no strength left to react.

"Stay with me," he lightly shook her and earned a few low mumbles.

"How are we going to tell Scott and Stiles where it's at," Deaton asked. Turning to Melissa, he wondered, "You tried to get a hold of them earlier but nothing would go through, right?"

She nodded but then thought, "There's someone else I can call." With Scott's father, an F.B.I. agent, in mind, she knew he would be at the school along with the C.D.C.

Pushing through the door to the examining room, Derek said to Satomi, "I have to get there."

"What about the others at Lookout Point," she asked, concerned for her pack, but the dinging elevator in front of them brought an interruption.

Derek hoped it wasn't too late her pack as well, but Alex knew it was.

The sliding metal doors revealed a blonde woman holding up a hand gun, pointed at Satomi. She stepped forward, firing rounds at the three of them. Derek dived in front of Satomi, trying to shield both her and Alex from the incoming bullets. He landed to the side of her, but received a slight bullet graze in the aftermath.

"Derek, are you okay," her eyes tried to find his, the landing jolted her awake. "I smell blood."

"Yeah, I'm fine," he said. The pain didn't bother him, but when it didn't begin to heal, that's when the worry set in.

Satomi pressed on with a sharp metal spike in hand.

With Alex being alert and awake from the fall, she watch Satomi through blurry eyes dodge each bullet at a ninja-like speed. Using lunges and spins Alex has only ever seen in the Matrix, Satomi made it to the elevator unscathed. Only inches away from the firing woman, Satomi used one last swift and a powerful thrust, and she plunged the stake into the assassin's neck. Her gun fell, clashing against the ground.

As Satomi pulled the metal spiked bar from the girl's neck, she dropped to the floor, defeated. Spinning the stake around her fingertips, she found her firm grasp on the spike. She then turned her torso, slightly to face Derek who was now rising with an attentive Alex still in his arms. Melissa and Deaton barreled through the examining room doors. Hearing the sounds of a gunshot, the nurse and the veterinarian feared the worst.

"I may have learned to control my anger, but I still know when to use it," Satomi said, showing a wise smile.

All stood, surprised by her skillful defense, but Derek rushed past her after giving her a grateful look.

He headed to the emergency staircase, next to the elevator where the dead assassin laid, knowing he could run down them faster. Melissa followed in his footsteps with her phone pressed to her ear as she called her ex-husband.

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