Author's Note

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Author's Note AKA Ashley being sappy

First off I can't thank you all enough for everything. Every single read, vote, comment, and any form of feedback. Writing this book has been quite a ride, and I'm glad you've all been here for it whether you've just read or stuck with me through the long ass time it takes for me to update.

(omfg SO sorry for that by the way but I'm going to explain.)

Honestly I don't think I would have ever finished this if it wasn't for you guys. I lost inspiration for this story and only got small bits of it every once in awhile, hence the slow updates, but I left it off with a cliffhanger for the chance of a sequel.

I don't really plan on writing one in the meantime because I have other stories that I want to work on and new ones I want to start, but there's always a possibility!

Plus I wanted to leave it to you guys to imagine how you thought Derek and Alex would end up together! In my head they have a happy ending because I'm especially a sucker for those, but I also loved the idea of there being another Demontra so I had to take the chance! PLUS THE FC IS TOM HOLLAND, and yes the end is tied to The Originals HINT HINT.

But seriously thank you all so much! This is the first book I've ever finished, and I can't believe it.

Much love,


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