tags, tags, tags

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Alrighty ladies and gents, the next update is up after this  buttt.........

Let's go!

Tagged by the lovely AintThatDevine

1. Must post all rules.

2. Must tag 13 people.

3. Must answer 13 the questions from the tagger and create 13 of your own.

4. Tag backs are allowed.


5. Must finish in one week or will be reminded.


13 Facts About Me

1. I have 9 pets. (3 dogs and 6 cats, but in separate houses lol that would be insane)

2. I love running and playing lacrosse.

3. My life is constantly spent either re-watching Teen Wolf, Scrubs, Weeds, or Parks and Rec. 

4. I've been to 13 concerts so far and counting.

5. I can sort of speak Spanish? I'm in my fourth year of learning it.

6. I lovelovelovelove Mexican food and mango smoothies.

7. I'm actually Ben Wyatt.

8. I've had my ears pierced six times but every lacrosse season they close up which is SUPER ANNOYING.

9. I can sing (but only when driving and showering).

10. Summer is where I'm at my highest power (lol I freeze in the winter).

11. Michigan, born and raised.

12. Halsey and P!ATD are my life.

13. THis was really hard coming up with 13

Questions from Mel

Have you seen the classic Jurassic Park movie?

Nahh. Dinosaurs were never my thing. I was more of a princess person lol.

Have you ever been to a country outside of where you live?

No :(

Cats or Dogs?


School grade/year?

11th - Junior - 2017 - aka I graduate in about a year and I'm hella excited

Do you have a car? (If so what is it?)

YEs! Black Chevy Trailblazer 2003 named Ramona after a Ramones song.

If you could see anyone in concert, who would it be? (dead or alive)

THIS IS TOUGH probably Ed Sheeran again or Louis Armstrong. I would also kill to see Fleetwood Mac.

Harry Potter or Hunger Games?


iPhone or Android?


Do you like the Star Wars franchise?

I haven't seen any of them other than Force Awakens but HECK YEAH

Do you like any winter sports? (either to watch or do)

Does drinking coffee or hot chocolate count as a sport?

Would you rather be in a musical or watch one?


Favourite school subject?

Biologyyyyyy and seminar

Have you ever had a crush on animated/cartoon character?

Not gonna lie, eight year-old me really loved Danny Phantom


Favorite Artist/Musician?

What's the number one thing on your bucket list?

Where in the world would you like to visit the most?

Favorite Author (wattpad or other)?

Favorite, binge-worthy TV show?

Favorite Animal?

Pizza or Pasta?

Marvel or DC?

Do you play any sports, if so which one(s)?

Do you have any pets? Which kinds?

Favorite TV show as a kid?

Beaches or pools?

Have you ever been to any concerts? If so which ones?

lol I don't know too many people on here but all of those tagged are pretty awesome people with amazing stories! (sorry, kinda if you've already done this)

AintThatDevine (fight me Mel) 











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