Chapter Three

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"What's wrong with you," Malia asked Scott, her nose scrunching up at the smell of fear after they slid open the metal door leading to Derek's loft.

"Nothing," he answered a little too quickly, caught off guard by the question.

"Your heart is pounding like crazy. Are you nervous?"

"He's just bad at introductions," Peter announced his presence. Scott and Malia looked into the living room section of Derek's loft to see Peter reading a thin red book.

"Peter," Scott said, turning towards Malia, Peter's daughter whom which he recently discovered, "This is Malia."

 She glanced at Scott, confused by his wavering tone, but her eyes returned back to glaring at the infamous Peter. She didn't know he was her biological father.

Peter was secretly surprised to see her, fascinated by her resemblance of himself. He put down the book he was perusing before standing. "Beautiful eyes," he walked closer, "Did you get them from your father?"

"Mother," her eyes narrowed.

"Interesting." Scott's eyes flickered in between the two of them. He hoped Peter wouldn't say anything about her paternal background, knowing that it would infuriate her because neither Scott, Stiles, nor Lydia had told her. "Anyway, I'm sure they've told you a lot about me."

"The homicidal killing spree came up."

"Well, we're all works in progress."

"Well, when you progress to your next killing spree, why don't you try and make sure they stay dead?" Impudence dripped from her voice.

"What is that suppose to mean," his eyebrows furrowed.

"What do you know about people being turned by a scratch," Scott asked.

"Did you scratch someone Scott?" Scott cocked his head, and Peter continued to say, "Don't worry about it, the claws have to go pretty deep."

"But it's possible. Like if you clawed someone's throat?"

"Well , yeah it's possible, but it's also beyond rare. We're talking about one in a..." Peter stopped, catching on to what they were implying. He realized who they were talking about."...Million," he growled. "Can't someone in this town stay dead," he angrily asked as they walked towards the table by the windows.

"I think they were hoping you would," Malia remarked. Before Peter could respond, Malia continued to say, "Anyway, she bit someone."

"She bit someone? Great. Now we have two psychopathic killers in Beacon Hills," he muttered.

"She hasn't killed anyone yet. We found her in the same tomb we found Derek in. I don't think she's shifted yet," Scott added in her defense. Peter was left speechless as he still tried to process Kate's return. Scott wondered, "Do you have any idea why Kate would turn Derek into a teenager again?"

"What color were his eyes?"


"After Paige," Peter noted. "Which could mean around the time he first met Kate."

"Derek and Kate knew each other?"

"Biblically," Peter turned around, a smirk playing on the corners of his mouth. "That's right Scott. You weren't the first wolf to climb into a hunter's bed."

Scott remained quiet. The memory of Allison's death was still fresh in his mind, and it pained him to think about it. He knew he couldn't have done anything to save her during the attack of the nogitsune that possessed Stiles, but he still blamed himself.

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