Chapter Six

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"Kira, the supply closet," Scott shouted as she struggled to hold down Alex in her full transformation. He wanted to help her, but he couldn't. His hands were filled with a thrashing Liam.

Alex managed to break out of Kira's grasp, and everything that followed, it all happened in a blur.

Scott saw her lunge at Kira, and he jumped, leaving Liam unattended. He managed to pin down Alex for long enough to yell out to Kira, "The doors!" She sprang up to unhinge the two doors, and Scott used his alpha strength to shove her inside.

Kira slammed the doors shut and rapidly tied the chains around the door handles as Scott sprinted back to thwart Liam from attempting to run away. After clasping the iron lock around the chain, Kira rushed back to help Scott. The wooden doors behind the continued to shake as they received forceful blows from Alex.

Angered and vengeful growls escaped from Alex as she tried to break through the door. She had never felt this type of anger before. It was a rage that spread through her like wildfire. She wanted to sink her claws into everything that breathed and feel their flesh tear in between her finger tips. Even the smallest part of her remaining humanity couldn't override her rabid animal instinct. She rammed at the door again, causing a slight crack in the wooden frame.

Scott and Kira glanced back from a half-chained Liam, but then their attention refocused as he attempted to make powerful charges at them. Liam angrily growled at them, and reaffirmed his grip on his wrists. "I got him! Get his hands," Scott instructed loudly to Kira over Liam's snarls and the thundering blows coming from the wooden closet.

Liam's newly found strength succeeded in overpowering Scott for a brief moment. And in that moment, he jumped on top of Scott, raising a clawed hand to attack. Kira saw Scott's nearing fate, and she acted protectively. She grabbed a boat paddle and struck the out of control beta over the head, rendering him unconscious.

"Oh God. I didn't kill him did I," Kira asked; they both fell to their knees beside him.

"No, he's out cold," Scott breathed. They were relieved to see his chest rising and falling and with the fact that they now only had to deal with one rampant friend for the mean time.

Alex interrupted their break by punching her fist through the wall. Shards of wood cut her skin, but those wounds healed fast. She madly reached for the chains, intending to break them.

"I don't think that door will hold her much longer," Kira stated nervously.

"Let's hurry." They both nimbly spring up and finished chaining Liam to the wall in case he woke up.

"What are we going to do," she wondered as howls from Alex echoed in the boat house.

"Here, I'll hold the door, and you untie the chains. When I say go, run." Their eyes met, and she nodded.

The both crouched by the double doors, out of Alex's clawed reach. Kira hurriedly untangled the mass of chain whilst Scott held the door shut.

As soon as she finished, she gave Scott the signal. He then yelled, "RUN!"

She did as told, and she sprinted to other side of the boat house.

Scott let the doors fly open. Alex charged out, completely nonhuman. Her skin was blue and darkly spotted, her eyes a vibrant green, claws and teeth sharper than ever. She pounced on him before he could steady himself, and they fell over. In the process, her hand made contact with his face, and then something nearly indescribable happened to them.

As Scott laid there, paralyzed, Alex's eyes changed from a green to a deep amethyst purple. Her touch brought them both to a place that had been haunting Scott for two months: the memory of Allison's death.

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