Chapter Sixteen

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Mid-kiss, they heard the undeniable sound of a hand on the door. Their lips parted slightly yet their bodies remained pressed to each other. A confused expression crossed their faces. "An intruder wouldn't knock would they," Alex breathed against his lips.

"No," he whispered back. He furrowed his eyebrows, thinking of the only person he thought it could be.

Quickly, Alex sat up. A noticeable chill in the form of goosebumps settled over her skin as she left the warmth of Derek's chest. Turning to him as she held the navy blue sheet to her bare chest, she glanced at him, awaiting his final decision.

"We should probably get that..." He trailed off, meeting her distracted eyes, but neither wanted to leave the comfort of the bed. Studying each other, they tried to read into what happened the night before. It was undeniable they had feelings for each other, but neither knew how they wanted to voice them.

Another knock resounding from behind the door forced them from the bed. Both scrambled to get on their clothes. Alex managed to slip on her underwear and find her shorts with ease, but when she found the remnants of her t-shirt, she held them up to Derek, a small laugh escaping her lips. "Hey Derek."

With a piece of the cotton material in each of her hands, a smile formed at the corners of his mouth. "You can use mine," he tossed her his grey one across the bed.

"Thanks," she slipped in over her head with speed. It, being a little too big, fell past her hip bones and hung loose off of her slim frame, but she didn't mind. 

They then ventured to the door, Derek went shirtless, with caution. Alex ran her fingers through her wild hair with hopes to smooth down the tousled waves. Giving up on taming the mess, she stood by Derek's side.

Derek braced for the worst, but Alex had no idea of what was coming.

He hesitantly slide open the door, and it took Alex a few moments to process who was standing before them.

"No," she uttered, taking a step back. Alex eyed the brown haired man with sea blue eyes, identical to hers. 

"Alexandria-" the man breathed, but she took the door handle from Derek and slammed it shut, her face frozen with shock. Although she knew he was alive, she didn't expect him to actually show up. He was suppose to be dead. He had been dead to her for fifteen, nearly sixteen, years. "Alexandria, I really think we should talk," Matthew said through the door.

Ignoring him, her body turned to face Derek, "Why is he here?"

"I can hear you," Matthew voiced, semi muffled, but his tone matched Alex's usual sarcastic hinting voice.

 Derek's eye flickered at the door, but they returned to her questioning eyes. "Alex, there's something I really need to tell you."

"You didn't tell her," Matthew asked from the outside.

"Shut up," they both yelled in unison. Derek's voice resonated with uncertainty about Alex's seemingly bad reaction while confused anger was definitely noticeable in her's. She was upset that Derek seemed to know her father would be here, and she was angry at her father for finding her. 

Why can't he just stay dead? 

In all honestly though, Alex secretly wanted her father to be alive. His arrival answered years worth of questions that have settle in her head at the age five. She never thought he died. She always wondered. Even at such a young age, she remembered his coffin being closed at his funeral. Not seeing his body never gave little Alex closure on her father. But as she grew older, she learned to ignore the constant questions that were driving her insane. 

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