Chapter Twenty-Eight

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With the van slowing to a halt on the dirt path, its headlights illuminated the crumbling entrance to the temple of Tezcatlipoca. Alex caught a blink of the ancient church with the full moon high in the background. Resting against the interior wall of the van, she let out a gasp of relief with the fact that they were able to make it to Mexico. Yet she couldn't help but worry about what was to come. Overcoming the full moon wasn't even half of the battle.

"I can't believe I did it," Stiles breathed.

Liam let out an airy laugh in response, "For a minute there, I thought I was gonna tear the three of you apart."

"Yeah. That would've made for an awkward ride home. So, thanks," Stiles responded with a touch of sarcasm in his tone.

"Plus, I'd probably find a way back to avenge our deaths, Dunbar," Alex cracked a smile with the teenager mirroring her grin.

"Think you can bring the same level of control and strength inside La Iglesia," Derek asked.

To confirm, the blue eyed brunet extended his claws in a quick motion, demonstrating the sense of determination he possessed to maintain control.

"All right. We might actually be able to do this," Stiles turned to Derek and Alex.

With both agreeing in silence, Derek made the first move to leave the stilled vehicle. Yet none of them knew of what resided just outside the door.

The dark haired man's hand opened the wire mesh door, and a sense of stunned shock flooded through each member as a Berserker stood outside the door and threw Derek to the ground in a swift act.

Before Alex could even blink, the monstrosity had him pinned against a boulder, its bone daggers leaving a seemingly endless collection of lacerations in his torso.

"Derek," she cried out and bound to her feet, but standing in the doorway of the van, she found herself unable to move. Her heart pounded as everything flashed before her eyes, and she remained frozen.

The blinding light and booming sound of bullets filled the air as Braeden fired rounds at the Berserker. Once the clip fell empty, it raced off, and Alex dashed to Derek. She couldn't believe it. Everything else in her field of vision blurred; she could only see Derek in full clarity.

Reaching him, her hands gripped his shoulders to hold him up, but she couldn't hide the utter sense of dismay that overcame her facial features. Crimson blood began to show at the source of his wounds, coating his finger, and a small trickle of it ran from his lips.

"Derek," she breathed once more as fast, labored breaths escaped his lips in pain.

Everyone else jolted towards them, yet they stopped a few feet away from them, equally as stunned. Alex could hear Stiles' racing heart as the closest to them.

"How bad is it," Peter stilled.

"I'm fine, I'm fine. Just get to Scott," Derek called out, his chest rising and falling in pain. "Just find him. We'll be right behind you. Go." But when everyone stood still, he yelled, "Go!"

Slowly, with lingering eyes, they all filed inside yet Stiles remained.

Turning away for a moment, Alex met the teen's eyes. They were clouded with a fear that Alex felt embedded deep in her chest, and it left the two speechless.

"Hey, hey," Derek said to Stiles in a softened voice, "go save him."

The teen lingered for a couple seconds longer, sparing a final glance and fearing this would be the last time he would ever see him, but as his eyes fell, his feet turned, and he disappeared into the church.

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