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I walk in as they invite me and look at my surroundings. I hear slow footsteps behind me and whispers.

"Um I'll show you to your room" I hear the deep voice I'm beginning to enjoy and it's scaring me.

I nod and follow him down the steps.

He leads me to a small wooden door which follows the most magnificent bedroom I've ever had.

A small bed is placed in the corner with a black cover. a laptop sits open on the bed he shuffles over to it slamming it shut he smiles nervously as I see all of the hundreds of drawings and posters of singers and bands. it makes me feel at home. I start to tear up.

He raises his eyebrow "is it ok? I'm sorry our old foster had a... unique style." I nod and itch my nose notifying I'm fine.

"You don't talk much"

"What's to talk about" i say looking at him. he has dark brown almost black eyes and the same color hair pushed up and to the side. I feel like if I set my finger upon his jawline I would get cut. He's wearing a tight baseball tee with a weird graphic design and black jeans.

I look back up at his face and he's biting his lip "checking me out?" He asks I roll my eyes and point to the door he puts up his hands and leaves me to my peace and unpacking.

About an hour of unpacking later I walk back upstairs a seeing the boy another girl a little younger than me and the mom. they all turn their heads looking at me I stop as the mom smiles.
"Welcome home" she says smiling at me I look down as my stomach growls. she gasps

"Your hungry! Here kian will take you to Adrian's." the throws the keys at kian who is on his phone and flinches as they hit his shoulder.

He sighs and walks out the front door "alrighty then" I say and look at my little legs and shuffle my feet.

We go into his car and he turns on the radio real loud.

"HOW OLD ARE YOU" he yells over the music

"17" I say rolling my eyes

"OH IM 18" he says again

"Good for you?" I say questioningly

I put my knees to my chest while a weird rap song comes on. He starts to sing as we drive down the road a little bit. we pull up to a small pizza parler a few blocks down the road. he parks as we go in, I stay a few steps behind him.

He walks up to the counter and a gorgeous long haired brunette with greenish brown eyes stands there on her phone. her name tag reads 'andrea'

He coughs signaling her attention and she looks up and squeals "KI" she says leaning forward to kiss him which he happily accepts and kisses her back.

She looks back at me and whispers something to him and I roll my eyes.

"Oh that's Journey. my moms new kid I guess" he says shaking me off.

"What do you want" he asks me

"Huh" I ask back

"What do you want to eat" I shrug
"Wings" I say and bite my cheek he nods and she goes to the back to get the food.

He turns around with his elbow on the counter whistling

"I'm guessing that's your girlfriend" I say putting quotations around girlfriend

He nods awkwardly and there is a silence that lasts a lifetime till she comes back with a large pizza and a little box on top. he smiles at her and kisses her neck and leaves dragging my arm.

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