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I hold my breath nervously while I walk up to Kian who's laying the towels down. he turns around and we both check each other out. he has a six pack, brutally tan, and tall. I nod satisfied.

He grins evilly. "What" I ask and he makes a quick move grabbing my waist and picking me up running toward the water

"NO KIAN" I scream terrified. the waves crash making my heart race faster than a jackrabbit. my eyes widen as he laughs and I start to hit his chest begging him to let me down. his feet splash into the water and it sprays me

"KIAN PLEASE" I shriek my voice shakes horrified. if he throws me in I'll drown. I can't swim, no one ever taught me.

Hot tears begin to spill from my eyes.
"K-KIAN" I sniffle as his arms let go so I can fall into the icy cold water. I make a few speedy movements and grasp to the back of his neck. my legs wrap around his waist. More tears stain my face. I haven't been this scared since the night they took me. I haven't cried since then. my cheek hits his neck and he feels the wetness "what the-" he looks down at me and my nails dig into his back beckoning him to take me to shore.

"Journey what's wrong" he jogs through the water and to shore where he reaches my blue towel and gently sets me down. I gasp for air and hold my knees.

"Journey what's wrong why are you crying?" He asks holding my chin. I pull away. "I CANT SWIM YOU DICK FACE" I spit out at him.

He kneels down next to me as I wipe the tears from under my eye. he lightly places his hand on my arm as I look away. "journey I didn't know. really I'm sorry, if I knew I wouldn't have done that." I look back to him. "No one ever taught me. I never had a real mom or dad so no one ever cared enough to actually spend time and teach me" I look down ashamed

"I'll teach you." he whispers and I look back up furrying my brow. "you'll what" I ask he laughs "I will teach you to swim. it'll be fun" he stands up and reaches out his hands I take them cautiously.

We walk slowly to the water. a wave crashes and the water slowly rises to my feet. I step back he grabs my hand. I feel a weird sensation in my stomach as he looks at me. "the first thing is to not be scared of the water. it can't hurt you"

"But it can"

"I won't let it." I nod biting my lip.

We step slowly into the freezing cold water. I wince. I stand shin deep. "I'm ready when you are." I look at him and he makes a hopeful dip in his head. "I'm ready"

We walk out more as I grasp his hand like its my life support. the water touches my waist and I jump trying to run back. he grabs my hips "no you dont" I sigh and look back to the open water.

We walk further and it's now at my boobs but only at the bottom of Kians ribs. I look up at him "I can't do it"

"You have been through much more than this. you can do it. I believe in you." I nod

"Now plug your nose and hold your breath." I begin to do it and he grabs my hand. "remember. I won't let it hurt you. ok?" I nod "ok." I grasp onto his bicep and the other is on my nose. I close my eyes and hold my breath. the water washes over me and I feel pure relief.

I raise from the water and I gasp. I smile, a real smile

"YOU DID IT!" He yells and wraps his big arms around me. I hug him back and we stay like that. I grin as we let go slowly. he looks into my eyes and I into his. he begins to lean in my heart races-

A jet ski vrooms past us and I jump back as it splashes us. he moves fastly backward and I laugh awkwardly "anyway" he nods

"Ya you want ice cream" I nod and he turns around as I smack my forehead.

Get the grip journey. you can not like your foster brother.

That's just wrong.


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