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I was sitting on the bench, relaxing at Stark's pond, when I heard a sudden crash from behind me, followed by a loud grunt, I got up quickly moving over to where I had heard the noise, it was Pete, he was hurt badly, his knee was shooting blood, "Are you ok?" I asked genuinely concerned, "Yea." He responded trying to get up, I decided to make sure he was okay once more "Are you sure? Your knee looks pretty bad per se." "I said I'm fine-" he replied cutting himself off as he grabbed my hand and looked up at me, his brows frowned as he realized who's hand he was holding onto, he was silent for quite a while so I decided to ask him if he wanted to come over so I could help treat his wounds but he cut me off saying that he didn't want to be seen in a conformist's house, so I told him once again, in a more genuine tone, if he came over I could help him, though he simply told me that he'd delt with worse. This stunned me for a moment 'How could such a pretty face be so clumsy.' I giggled to myself, 'Wait, pretty?' I was brought out of my thoughts when he agreed to come over, I was quite excited about this so I quickly but carefully slung his arm over my shoulder spot help him walk back to mine.
Half way back to mine he spoke again, finally, "And just so you know, conformist, this is only for my knee, I'm not staying any longer than needed." He said in a slightly angry tone, "Yes of course." I responded trying to focus on making sure he didn't fall over while walking, "So don't try anything!" He sternly stated, 'Try anything? What does he mean by that?' before I could ask we had already made it back to mine.
"Your house is very minimalistic, conformist." He commented, "Yea it is." I said helping him sit down on a kitchen chair with his leg extended and propped up into a comfortable position, "Just let me get the medical stuff, it should be just through here." I said walking out of the room.


"Just let me get the medical stuff, it should be just through here." He said leaving the room, 'Stupid conformist vampire, my knee isn't that bad-' I thought looking down at my knee for the first time, 'Actually never mind, I'm surprised I could even walk here.' I thought to myself as Vampqueer quickly came back in with a box of medical supplies, "Jesus why do you have so much?" I asked, "Well a few years back I fell off my bike and crashed into a tree and my dad panic bought these in case it ever happened again, lucky nothing too serious did happen again, now this might sting a bit okay?" He said before cleaning the wound, I gripped the chair in pain, trying not to show emotion but failing, 'F*ck, F*CK, F*CK!', "ALRIGHT, alright, stop." I told him, "I'll give you a break, I'm sorry but there are still a few pieces of gravel in there that I need to get before I can put a bandage on it." He said sympathetically, about a minute goes by and I let him get the gravel out, and wrap the bandage around my knee.
"Okay, all done, see it wasn't that bad." He said teasing, "Whatever conformist, can I go now?" I questioned, "I mean you can, though I wouldn't recommend it. It's cold out now, your knee is in pretty bad shape and you're not in the warmest clothing." He said, "Why don't you stay the night? It'll be a lot better than walking home out there.", 'I don't really have a choice do I?', "Sure whatever Vampqueer." I said, "Okay, I'll help you up the stairs." He said excitedly.

Stumbling into his room I looked around, his room was less cringe than expected but still cringe, glancing around the walls were painted a red tint and he had a green light on colouring his room in that same colour, opposite his bed was an average tv, and next to his bed were DVDs and books on a book shelf, his bed covers were a deep sage green, it looked nice as he helped me sit down on it, I got comfortable, "Why is your conformist bed more comfortable than mine?" I asked more to myself than him, "Well I mean it's a double bed and it has a foam topper on so you can't feel the springs even after years of use so I guess that's why?" He told me questionably, "You can sleep on it tonight, I'll sleep on the floor.", 'Why is he being so nice to me, I'm literally never nice to him.' I thought to myself before asking "Why are you being so nice to me?", "Well I don't know, I guess I just want to be friends?" He asked me,"Ugh, I'll think about it." I responded hesitantly, "Okay great, so, do you need to borrow some clothes, I have spares." He asked, "Sure, these aren't very comfortable anyways." I said, He got up and teased, "So you think my clothes will be more comfortable than non-conformist clothing?", I didn't answer, feeling my face go slightly red with embarrassment, "So which of these do you like?" He offered 2 T-shirts, one was an off white colour with a skull with vampire fangs printed on the front, it looked decently comfy but used a lot, the other option was a twilight shirt, "The skull one, definitely not that lame, conformist shirt!" I exclaimed, he chuckled "Alright, you put it on and I'll turn around." He gave me the T-shirt and turned around, I then quickly took my shirt off and slipped his on, "Okay, it's on!" I told him, he spun around and already had a pair of pajama trousers in his hands, his face went slightly red as he stared at me for a bit, "You have a staring problem." I said annoyed, he noticed this, threw the trousers at me and then spun back around quickly letting me change.

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