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'WHAT DO I DO? WHAT DO I DO?!' I panicked as the banging on the door got louder and more intense, "Pete *cough* it's okay.." Mike said weakly, "What...?" I replied, "It's okay...I loved every moment we shared together..." Mike answered, 'No I know where this is going..' "You're not dying here, we will get out!" I stated, "Pete.. we're stuck in a room with windows too small to fit in, a psychopath on the other side of the door, and I don't think the police are coming.." Mike explained, 'God this really isn't like his conformist self at all... I'm not surprised he's actively dying....' I thought looking away as I felt tears well up in my eyes, 'So that's it? We're just going to sit here and die..?' I thought looking around hoping for another way out. 'Wait.. the window, that glass! I could totally do some damage to the murderer!' I thought as I ran to the window and grabbed a large, sharp, shard of glass, 'Thank Edgar Allen Poe that Firkle likes knives so much or else I don't think we would've learned how to use them effectively' I thought as I looked over at Mike, now with paler skin than before, "MIKE!" I yelled rushing over to him, "MIKE WAKE UP!" I said frantically shaking him, "W-what..?" He stirred, "Oh good... I thought you died..." I sighed, "Heheh- *Cough cough* uh-huh, not yet..." He laughed, "Just let me rest a bit..." He said shutting his eyes, "I love you..." I said as he slipped away from conciseness, he wasn't dead, but he was dying... 'Im gonna kill this b*tch..' I thought as the banging on the door got louder and louder until the door broke and my dad barged in still brandishing the knife he used to kill my foster mom, Mike's dad and stab Mike, "PETE! THEY'LL NEVER TAKE YOU FROM ME AGAIN I SWEAR!" He yelled running towards me, as he didn't have his guard up I took this opportunity and shoved the piece of glass deep into his stomach, "AHGH, PETE! YOU'LL PAY FOR THAT!" He said dropping the knife in shock and pain, he grunted lunging towards me and punching me on the side of the face, I fell to the ground holding my face, the piece of glass still stuck in his side, I quickly backed away still on the floor attempting to get out of his reach as I thought of a plan, "PETE I AM YOUR FATHER AND YOU WILL LISTEN TO ME!" He yelled moving closer, 'Quick think, I cant grab the glass as he is now guarding that area, and I can't get anymore glass as he's in the way...' I panicked, 'Wait, I have an idea... it's risky but so is this whole situation' I thought to myself carefully standing up and swinging for his face, he blocked my attack and I used this moment to punch the glass further in with my other hand as it was now unguarded, "AGH!" He yelled out in pain falling to the ground clutching his side, I backed away and quickly grabbed the knife that was now unguarded and pointed it at him in case he tried anything, "Pete... how could you do this? To your own father?" He said in an attempt to manipulate me, I felt nothing, no guilt, no pleasure, nothing, "You are no 'father' of mine..." I responded as I plunged the knife into the base of his neck and sliced it forward, he fell silent, barely breathing and unconscious, his neck now a fountain of blood, I thought about mutilating him for what he'd done, but I had more important things to worry about, "Mike!" I shouted dropping the knife and running over to him and checking his pulse, it was weak, very weak, but there, "You damn conformist don't you dare leave me here!" I said taking off his jacket and wrapping it tightly around his wound, 'I wish we'd done that sooner...' I thought quickly lifting him up as best I could and hauling us both to his dad's car, quickly opening the door and carefully securing him in the front passenger seat so I could keep an eye on him, I shut the door and ran round to the driver's seat, hurriedly moving his dad's cold body to the back so I could drive and sped off to the nearest hospital.

Arriving at the hospital I jumped out of the car, after nearly crashing multiple times as I didn't have my driver's license yet, and ran around to his side and flung open the door to which there was a lot more blood than I had originally thought, choking back tears I carefully lifted his limp, unconscious body and quickly moved towards to hospital doors, "HELP HES BEEN STABBED AND IS LOOSING A LOT OF BLOOD!" I shakily, shouted entering the hospital, five hospital staff members all quickly grabbed him and rushed him into the ER immediately, I slumped down onto one of the waiting room chairs and stared at my now blood covered hands at this point I couldn't tell wether the blood was mine or Mike's, "What is his blood type, and name?" A doctor asked quickly, "Ehh, O+ I think.. And Mike Makowski." I hesitated, he'd mentioned his blood type once in a passing conversation but I'd been paying more attention to his eyes than on what he was saying, just then it hit me harder than it had before, the feeling that I might never see Mike again, he could die, all the adrenaline finally wore off and I started to reflect on everything that had just happened, dad going to prison, moving away, Mike getting stabbed, Mike nearly dying, the thought of loosing him...I sobbed uncontrollably, in that moment I didn't care, I didn't care who saw me cry, I didn't care what people thought, and I didn't care how conformist it was, all I cared about was if Mike was okay..

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