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When I woke up I was numb with pain, and was covered in bandages, with a teary eyed, vamp boy laying his head on my lap and gently holding my right hand, I was still very groggy from the medicine so I didn't react much to the situation and instead groaned, "Mike?" He slowly woke up then once he saw that I was awake he perked up and began apologizing profusely and blaming himself, and feeling a bit loopy still I told him, "Shh, nap, too tired for this." He then started wiping away his tears and began laughing as he saw that I was still pretty loopy from the medicine, he told me to sleep the rest of the medicine off, my vision then started to get continuously more blurry as I started to fall back into a deep sleep.


After Pete fell asleep I was still feeling too guilty to look at him so I got up to get some food from the nearest vending machine when I was stopped by two police officers, their names on their badges were J.Smith and F.M.Miller, "Hey do you happen to know a boy named Pete Thelman?" J.Smith asked, "Yes, he's just sleeping in room 34A. Is this about the accident?" I responded, "Yes and we just have a few questions for you. If you are comfortable answering at this time?" J.Smith continued, "Uhh, sure? That's fine." I said hesitantly while rubbing my eyes from tiredness as it was now 11pm, "Thank you, and it is of our understanding that you were at the scene of the accident is that correct?" F.M.Miller asked, "Yes I was." I responded wearily, "Ok and if you don't mind, could you re-count the event to the best of your ability?" They asked calmly, "Yea, that's fine, umm, we had a falling out and he ran off, but then me and my friend, who prefers to be called Bloodrayne, took me to Pete's favorite coffee place and we uhh, waited for a while expecting him to be there so that I could apologize and umm, I saw him a-and I ran outside and I-I think I startled him because h-he stumbled back a-and..." I tried to explain without crying at the traumatic memories of earlier that day, "That's okay, take your time." J.Smith said, I sniffled and continued on, "He stumbled back onto the road right as a truck was driving past and, it hit him head on." I looked down feeling the tears begin to well up in my eyes again, "Ok thank you and I'm sorry that you and your boyfriend had to go through this." F.M.Miller said sympathetically, I quickly looked up, my face red as I had forgotten about the small lie I had told the receptionist and mentally slapped myself on the face, and before they left J.Smith turned around and asked, "Hey do you by any chance happen to know if he would like to press charges?", "Not that I know of, isn't that a question that you should really ask his parent?" I asked, "We tried calling him but he didn't answer and we also went to his trailer and he didn't answer the door either so we figured his boyfriend or a really close friend would also know what he'd want to do, but yes if he does want to press charges we will need the help and consent of the parent, but we will get his verbal confirmation when he wakes up." They replied and then swiftly left without saying another word, beginning to feel guilty again I remembered the vending machine and quickly walked over to it and grabbed a water bottle and a chocolate bar, while waiting for it to, vend, I texted my dad as he had been calling me, I assume he was worried as to where I was, I let him know about the situation and where I was, and he said he was on his way to make sure I was ok, I took my food and drink back to Pete's room and sat down to wait for my dad.

Eventually after waiting a while my dad arrives with a bag slung over his shoulder and stands next to me, "Hey kiddo, how you doing?" He asked soothingly, "Fine.." I told him without looking up, "We both know that's a lie." He said I didn't respond, he opened his arms invitingly and I immediately hugged him, "It's all my fault." I cried, "No it's not, but I know that you'll only believe that when you're 'forgiven' by Pete, right?" He said, I didn't answer, I was starting to feel bad about making people care for me when Petes the one who was hit by a truck so I wiped my tears and sat back down next to Pete, "You know what, nevermind, Pete's dad didn't answer the phone or door to the police and when I went over to his trailer, his dad didn't seem very nice, I'm probably exaggerating the situation but I don't know what I should do." I pleaded, "I think it's best if you bring it up with Pete, not the second he wakes up but maybe a few days or months, to let him recover first." He suggested, I agreed and went back to staring at Pete as I had no further questions, "Why don't you just ask him out? A nice romantic scene and some fine wine! That's how I proposed to your Mother!" My dad asked, "No! He doesn't like me back! And you were an adult, that is so much easier!" I snapped, "I'm just saying that you should shoot your shot before someone else does." He said while unpacking a bag he'd brought, "Also, there's some clothes for you and Pete in here, I get the feeling you might want to stay here for a while." He explained as he picked up his bag and walked out waving at me as he did so, I waved back before turning back to look at Pete, "I love you." I said to the sleeping Pete in front of me.


I groaned as I woke up, I scanned my body looking at all the bandages my limbs were wrapped in, I started thinking about what had happened yesterday, as it was now one in the morning, Mike yelled at me, I cried, I walked around South Park, then Mike shouted my name and I was hit by a truck now I'm here, 'Ok well this sucks, now I'm gonna be bed bound for months, wait, how am I going to eat and drink, my dad won't give two sh*ts and will probably try to get me out the house anyway, I'm gonna die. Well at least I'll die with Mike on me- WAIT MIKE ON ME?!' I panicked to myself as I looked down at Mike sleeping on me, he was still sitting in the chair just laying on top of me, holding my hand, my face began to match my hair the more I stared at him, his hair, how soft his hands were, how adorable his face was when sleeping, but goths aren't supposed to show or feel emotion, I hate how confusing this is, slowly Mike began to stir and wake up, his eyes widened as he locked eyes with me, "P-Pete! You're awake!" He said, "Yea f*gula, I am." I responded slightly irritated that he was just pretending that he never snapped at me, of course I didn't want to be mad at him and his bat-like eyes, big, round, basically 'Puppy dog eyes' but make it goth or vampire, "Listen I am so sorry, this is all my fault if I hadn't startled you while you were crossing the road, if I hadn't shouted at you, if I wasn't such a screw up then maybe you wouldn't be in the hospital and you wouldn't hate me and-", Before he could finish I grabbed him by the rim of his shirt, with my less injured hand, and pulled him in close pressing our faces together, and I kissed him, it was a simple peck like kiss but it felt amazing, so natural, I didn't know how to kiss any other way so this would have to do, it was quick but it felt like it lasted a century, I pulled away, "Shut up." I said looking him dead in the eyes, his face began glowing a vibrant bright red before his gently stood up, scribbled something down quickly onto a scrap piece of paper and then left to go somewhere, 'Ugh, he hates me now, great, that was so conformist, sh*t.' I scolded myself as I reached for the note he'd left for me it read:

' I scolded myself as I reached for the note he'd left for me it read:

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What in the name of Edgar Allan Poe? HE LIKES ME TOO?!' My face beamed red, then I started to panic, 'Wait does this mean I'm not goth anymore? But that's who I am, do I have to choose between Mike and being goth? Can I have both? What does this mean?!' I wanted to reach for my phone to listen to music and distract myself but it must have gotten destroyed in the crash because it wasn't there, so I was forced to think of the worst having to pick between being goth, or loving Mike?


'HE F*CKING KISSED ME! WHAT THE F*CK, WHAT THE F*CK, What the f*ck, what the f*ck?!' I thought to myself as I ran to the nearest bathroom and locked the stall door, 'He kissed me? He likes me too? Ugh, why is love so confusing?!' I asked myself as I pulled out my phone and began scrolling through our old messages to see if he'd hinted at it before and I was just being oblivious.

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