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The end of that conformist day finally came to a close, as the theater kids would say. I flipped my hair out of my face, only for it to fall back in the same spot, and began walking out of school and towards Stark's pond, 'Hopefully no conformists will be there' I thought to myself just about to exit the school grounds when someone place a hand on my shoulder causing me to stop, "Conformist what do you want-" I cut myself off as Mike greeted me, 'Sh*t I totally forgot that he was coming over tonight, lame.' I thought to myself, "So should we leave to go to your house or..?" He asked, his voice was soothing, somehow, and caused me to forget all about my dad being a drunken conformist. "Uhh, yea, just to warn you though my place isn't as nice as yours." I told him, "Eh, that's fine, I don't really mind where we do it." He shrugged in response, 'I mean I'm glad he doesn't care but, do it? I know he means homework but it just sounded so, weird.' I thought as I lead him towards my trailer.

"Oh, I see what you mean now." Mike laughed nervously as my trailer slowly comes into view, "Yea, right. I tried to warn ya." I replied awkwardly, "No worries, we don't need much room anyways." He said walking up to the door to open it, "Wait!" I whisper yelled, "What?" He turned around in confusion, "You do live here, don't you?" He integrated me, "Yes of course I live here, I just need to go first." I said gently pushing passed him, he didn't say anything, I kinda thought he'd joke about it but I guess he saw through my sorry attempt at covering up my worry that my dad could be drunk and we'd have to sneak passed him to my room, that and the fact I hadn't told anyone about this, and if he found out, he would be the first and only person in this conformist town to know.

I opened the door and peaked in my dad was watching tv, for a second I thought he wasn't drunk, then the smell hit me, 'Thankfully it wasn't a beer can.' I silently laughed to myself. "Uhh, my dad is, uhh, sleeping! But he sometimes sleeps sitting up, just ignore him and try not to make a noise." I warned, I wasn't a very good lier but I think I did alright this time, we snuck past him, I had positioned myself in-between my dad and Mike, in the likely occasion that my dad did turn around I didn't want Mike's first impression of my living environment to be a beer can to the face, I knew his dad worked for the police basically as South Park's CPS, and I wasn't in the mood to get taken away right now.

After a long pause I finally breathed out, I had been holding my breathe and not even noticed it, shutting my door. "What was that about?" Mike questioned, "What?" I replied with another question, "I mean, when my dad is asleep, and I have friends over I don't sneak past as if I'm some ninja raiding a house, I quietly walk past and I certainly don't protect the guest with my life?" He stated, 'Sh*t, I need to change the subject.' I thought thinking of something to say, "Uhh, I guess he's a really light sleeper, anyway, I know I invited you over, but, aren't you supposed to stay at home for another week?" I answered changing the subject, "We're just doing homework and won't be moving much. If you're really that worried then I guess I could stay over night?" He laughed slightly, and turning a light pink in the face, before I butted in, "No, you can't stay over night here. I'll walk you home instead to make up for it." I offered, the warm smile slowly fading from his face as he answered "Yea sure I guess.." 'I guess he didn't want to press the matter any further, that's good, I don't know how long I could have lead him on for.' I thought as I pulled out the math homework he'd missed out on and placed it on the floor where we both sat, "So, what's this, what kinda math is this?!" He questioned, "Oh it's expanding brackets and Pythagoras theorem, oh and trigonometry!" I exclaimed, kneeling on the floor, and putting my hands out in front of me to stabilize myself as I lent over the math homework explaining what it was and how to do the question, "That's actually stupid, what the f*ck is this?" He said getting kind of annoyed, I explained it again, I went step by step this time, explaining in more detail too, I was getting annoyed too at this point, thankfully he understood it, eventually.

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