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I wandered the streets for what felt like an hour before deciding to get a coffee from the village inn, I began walking over there before quickly getting bored of the endless silence and putting my earphones in to listen to a random song by The Cure, Boys don't cry started playing so I skipped it, I didn't need any reminder of how disgustingly vulnerable I had been earlier today, us or them started playing instead. Though most of us who live in South Park have developed some sort of immunity to the harsh weathers of the mountains, that doesn't mean we don't feel the cold at all so it was pretty chilly out as I was walking, I came to a cross road and looked up to see the village inn just a cross the road, looking both ways I crossed the road, not really wanting to get hit by a car today, "PETE!" I heard a sweet sounding voice yell from the village inn, it was Mike, startled, and not wanting to deal with his drama today I stumbled backwards onto the road, as I caught myself I looked up to my right and saw a truck literally ten centimeters from my face, 'OH F*CK-' I felt the crushing impact as the truck collided with myself, and I lost consciousness.


I watched in horror as Pete was hit by the truck and his body fell limp on the floor, "Mike wait- oh- oh my god.." I heard Bloodrayne call out from behind me, feeling tears begin to well up in my eyes I ran over to his unconscious body and held him in my arms while pressing my ear against his mouth, he was breathing, I sighed in relief the tears now overflowing, "Oh my lord, I'm so sorry, he came out of nowhere, I swear-" I heard the truck driver stutter, "CALL THE F*CKING AMBULANCE, D*CK HEAD!" I shouted with pure rage, he clumsily grabbed his phone and called for help, I looked back down at Pete as I heard him begin to stir, "Oh god, Pete are you ok? I'm so sorry-" I began, before I felt his weak grip on my hand, "Shut up *cough* conformist." He coughed, I began to apologize even more at his response, at first I thought he started laughing, but the I noticed that he was coughing up blood and choking, I began panicking and rolling him into the fetal position, his grip on my hand tightened as the paramedics hurriedly placed him on a gurney and drove him off to the nearest hospital they didn't allow me to go with me and simply told me to go home with my parents and watch a nice movie to get my mind off things, 'Like I'm doing that-' I thought to myself as Bloodrayne placed a hand on my shoulder, "Ok, he definitely likes you~" she teased, I glared at her and she "corrected" herself by saying, "Uhh, I- what I mean is, he would like you with him right now and we should get to that hospital, quickly." Bloodrayne is a great friend, but she can be extremely insensitive at times, "Yes. But what would I say?" I asked, "We'll discuss that on the car drive there, now come on!" She urged as we both ran, as fast as I could go I was still not in the best condition myself, to her house as it was closest and she had a car.

After a long and anxiety driven car drive we arrived at the hospital and we sped up to reception, "Pete Thelman, where is he.-" I desperately started but Bloodrayne pushed me out of the way, "Sorry, it's been a very emotional day, would you happen to know which room a Pete Thelman is?" She asked more calm and collectively then I would've been able to, "Yes he's in emergency surgery right now, who are you to him?" The receptionist responded, "I'm a friend of his." Bloodrayne said, "Only family members or a significant other can visit at the moment, however when he is fully stable friends my visit him too." She explained, I got up off the floor as I had fallen when Bloodrayne pushed me, and without thinking I said, "I'm his boyfriend!" Rather loudly, luckily only the receptionist and Bloodrayne heard, the receptionist gave me a funny look before handing me a visitors pass and told me to wait in the waiting room until he was either awake or stable enough to be under supervision of a nurse or doctor, I took my seat and Bloodrayne began teasing me immediately, "So~ Boyfriend huh?~" she laughed, I felt my face begin to burn with how red I got, "Shut up." I whispered, she didn't seam to hear, "When did that become official?" She continued, I ignored her, "Vampir and Pete, sitting in a tree, K.I.S.S.I.N.G-" I couldn't even hear her anymore I just buried my head into my hands as the realization of what went down today set in, I had shouted at Pete for no reason, and my friends, Pete got hit by a truck and he could die, I started bawling and Bloodrayne took notice, "Vampir are you ok?" She asked, I couldn't respond, I was crying so hard, "Mike, if it's about the teasing I'll stop, but if it's not then you gotta tell me what's up?" She nudged, "Pete's gonna die and it's all my fault.." I said with a shaky voice before continuing to sniffle and cry, "Mike what happened to Pete is not your fault, you weren't driving that truck, it's not your fault-" she started but I cut her off, "Yes it is! *Sniff* if I hadn't shouted at him *Sniff* a-and been so pathetic, i-if I had just talked with him and not shouted then he wouldn't have-" I paused as Bloodrayne brought me into a hug, "It's not your fault, never was, never will be." She said soothingly, I hugged her tight and tried to stop crying as much as I was, but I ended up passing out due to the shock of today.

"Vampir, Vampir wake up." I woke up to Bloodrayne shaking me awake, "Pete's stable enough now, you can visit him, his room number is 34A." I immediately jumped up and ran to his room, when I got there, I was expecting to at least see one family member but not even his dad was there, he was completely alone, seeing him in this state where he was clearly in so much pain, I could barely look at him without crying, I took a deep breath and sat down in the chair next to him, 'Hah, now I guess I know how he felt after that fight with Cartman.' I joked to myself, before I began choking back tears, I wanted to hug him but I didn't want to hurt him anymore than I already had so instead I tightly grabbed his hand, "Please don't leave me. I'm sorry, so sorry.." despite my best attempts at not crying I started to bawl my eyes out with tears and feeling guilty as I didn't believe that I deserved to cry over him as I was the reason he was even in this situation to begin with.

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