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'I don't think I was being oblivious?' I thought to myself as I called Bloodrayne, "Hey! Vampir how are you-" I cut her off, "HE KISSED ME!" I shouted into the phone, "WHAT?!-" She started, "He kissed me! You were right he does like me!" I continued, "YES! Well, what couple things are you gonna do now?" She asked, "I left after he kissed me-", "What?" She cut me off, "I-I left him a note saying I like him back-" I was cut off again, "Hang up.", "What?-" I asked, "Hang up the phone, kiss him back and tell him In person, that you like him too!" She answered, "But I-", "Mike Makowski, the thing you've longed for, for the past three years is finally happening, get the f*ck off the phone and go make out with your boyfriend." She demanded, "Yes ma'am!" I responded and quickly hung up, 'Ok, what do I do?!' I desperately asked myself as I slowly walked to his room, 'Yea, uhh, that might be a good plan?' I told myself as I entered his room, he was laying there peacefully staring at the note I had left for him, he looked so pretty, even if he was all scratched up, in a hospital covered in bandages. "Uhh, hey Pete!" I nervously said, he didn't respond at first but he immediately looked over all red and flustered, "Oh, hi? I uhh, I'm glad you like me too!" He said quickly, I moved over to him, "Oh, Pete." I said charmingly, I sat down on the bed next to him, on the outside I looked confident, but I was panicking and second guessing myself in my head, I leaned closer knowing his movements were limited so he couldn't do it himself, his face took on a bright shade of red I'd never seen before, his eyes were wide as I caressed his face, gently holding his head in my hand, I pulled him in as I leaned closer, I kissed him gently for about five seconds before pulling away still gently cupping his face in my hand, "I love you~" I finished, he sat there for a few seconds just staring into space before eventually he smiled slightly, it was a warm and genuine smile, inviting and comforting, I smiled back and removed my hand from his face and gently held his hand instead, but as I did so his warm smile faded into something of a look of dread, "Does this mean I'll have to give up being goth and non-conforming to date you?" He asked sorrowfully before returning his face back to his neutral expression, I thought for a second, I understand what he means, if I had to choose between giving up a part of my identity or some boy I hadn't even been friends with for a year that I really liked, I wouldn't know what to do either, "You don't have to choose, you can still be goth and non-conforming while dating me, I'm sure some of your goth friends have some 'conformist' qualities too!" I explained, he thought for a second before nodding and kissing my cheek, "So boyfriends per se?" I asked, "Yea, but that doesn't mean you'll be getting any special treatment my conformist." He said slightly laughing at the 'nickname' he'd given to me, "That's fine." I laughed as I moved and sat back down in the small chair next to his hospital bed, "We'll be just fine." I assured him.

~~~Time Skip~~~
Pete is now getting discharged from the hospital.


Today I'm finally allowed to leave as long as I'm constantly supervised just in case, which is not going to happen, constantly being supervised is lame as f*ck but it's especially lame when your dad cares more about beer than you.

"Pete!~" I heard Mike call excitedly from outside my room, "Vampir! Why are you here?" I asked, "Well my gothic boyfriend is finally allowed to leave the hospital and I would like to help him move back into his house!" He responded, he's very caring, but for his safety and to make sure I don't get taken away no-one is ever allowed to come over ever again, "It's fine, you don't need to come over I can manage by myself!" I argued, I knew he'd want an actual reason so I wasn't surprised when he asked why, "I'm not allowed friends over, especially boyfriends." I reasoned, "You're lying, because that is a conformist rule as you would say, gothie, please tell me the truth." He said, I cringed at the nickname, "That's so cringe." I said, "Yea I know, I hate myself for saying that, ugh. But seriously though tell me the truth." He replied, well he knew I was lying now, and it was either tell him, or bring him over and do the same as I did last time, "Alright fine, you can help me." I said, he looked pleased and happy, "But, you have to promise me that you will listen to me if I say to do something, ok?" I questioned, "Yea sure, as long as it's nothing weird I'll listen to you!" He responded, "Good, can we get coffee first, or a smoke?" I asked getting up as Mike helped me to my feet, "Sure you can get coffee, I'll pay." He offered, "No, it's fine I have-" he cut me off, "I'll pay.", he pulled me close and lightly kissed my right cheek, I blushed a little, "Ok?" He asked, "Ok fine, but that was conformist as sh*t and I didn't like it." I lied, he knew I was joking so he gently held my hand and slowly walked to Mike's dad's car and drove to the village inn, got coffee, drank it the headed for my trailer.

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