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'That was a long day!' I thought to myself as I opened the door to my house, 'Wait, did Pete message me that he got back?' I thought checking my phone, "Don't worry, I'm back phone just died." I heard Pete say from the kitchen, "Oh, hey. Get back ok?" I asked as I took my shoes off, "It was quiet and dark, so pretty peaceful." He responded, "Sounds nice, any plans for tomorrow?" I asked, "Probably hang out with the other goths again, why?" He asked, "Aren't they still looking into the school? Anyway, I thought it would be nice if we hung out again, doesn't have to be lovey dovey if you don't want it to be, but I thought it would be nice!" I explained, "Oh yea, forgot they were doing that conformist sh*t. Uhh." Pete hesitated, "Sure, why the f*ck not." Pete said, "Ooh yes!" I exclaimed grabbing his hand and leading us outside, "Where to?" I asked, "Coffee?" He suggested, "Sure, tweeks or?" I jokingly asked, "The village inn, where else?" He exclaimed walking ahead of me to get to his beloved coffee sooner.

When we got there the place was almost completely empty, usually there's at least one of person in, but no-one was there, apart from the waitress and cook, "Silence, just the way I like it." Pete said as we walked in, "What do you pricks want?" The waitress asked as we sat down, "I'll just have a water if that's okay?" I asked, "Sure whatever, what about you?" She turned to Pete, "Coffee, black." He said, "Prick." She mumbled as she walked away, "I don't get why you like this place so much? Why is that?" I asked wanting a conversation, "Well, me and my friends would always come here to meet up as kids, now we really only ever talk at school." He explained, "Oh, I'm sorry you guys don't talk much." I said, "No, it's fine, talking all the time would be conformist anyway, besides, we're still friends, just not as close as we were." He sighed, "Well you and Firkle seem to be good friends." I said, "Oh, Firkle is like the glue holding all of us together, other than the fact that we still enjoy hanging out together. Michael seems pretty p*ssed about us being together though." He said pointing to me then to himself, "Yea, well, not everyone's gonna support you, but if you enjoy being with your friends then I think you should hang out with them, a lot more. Just not about the school." I encouraged, "That sounds really conformist, but Yea, I'll do that sometime this week!" He said seeming happier, 'I like it when he's happy, I just hope I get to see more of that side of him!' I thought as I placed my hand on top of his, "Your drinks, oh damn." The waitress said as she returned, I quickly moved my hand away thinking Pete wouldn't like this, "Ha! Pricks got a little soft spot for you!" She laughed, Pete took his coffee, got up, walked around, held my hand as pulled me out of the village inn as I quickly grabbed my cup of water, "Where are we going?" I laughed, "You said you wanted a day just the two of us, also I hate that old hag." He said as he stopped walking, "That makes sense. You up for hiking?" I asked pointing to the mountains, "Sure, why not. Let me finish my coffee first." He said, "Ok, don't take too long, it's already getting dark." I explained holding his hand and walking next to him as he finished his coffee.


As we were walking to the mountains, I felt warmer, and happier, I'm not sure if that was the coffee I was drinking or the fact that I was still holding Mike's hand, "That was some good coffee." I said as I finished it, "There's a bin just up here, you can get rid of it then!" He suggested, "Yea, I've never been hiking before." I admitted, "Well that's about to change!" He said, "I guess it is." I responded. We walked in silence for a while before we finally got to the beginning of the mountain, "You excited?" He asked, "That's conformist." I reasoned, he just laughed softly, "I love you, you know that?" He said, "I- uhh, let's just climb!" I said feeling my face turn red, "Wait for me, 'Mr. IvE nEvEr GoNe HiKiNg!'" He called out laughing, I slowed down so he could catch up, "Really? Did you have to do that per se?" He asked jokingly, "Yes." I answered, "Ok, you better catch up!" He called out while running ahead, "No!" I jokingly shouted back while chasing after him.

After a few minutes of hiking we were already quite high up, and I was starting to get cold as I was only wearing a T-shirt and jeans, and started to slow down. "You ok?" Mike called back, "Yea, I'm fine conformist!" I said, "You're freezing." He said grabbing my hand, "No sh*t Sherlock." I replied extending my arms to show my sleeveless shirt, "We'll warm up here, we've gone high enough for your first time." He said sitting down in the snow pulling me with him, "What? How is this ment to warm me up?" I asked sarcastically kneeling in the snow, "Come here!" Here said as he unzipped his coat, "I don't want to wear your stupid coAT!" I gasped as he pulled me onto his knees and zipped up the coat around us, "Now we're both warm." He said as he kissed my forehead, "I- where the f*ck is this coming from?!" I questioned, "You were cold, and I don't want to freeze to death, so, cOmPrOmIsE!~" he answered, "Ok?" I said turning to look out over South Park, "It looks peaceful." Mike said, "Yea, I can understand why conformists would want to live in this lame town at first glance." I responded, "What's your favorite colour?" He asked, "Why?" I questioned, "Well we've been dating this whole time, and we haven't asked each other these basic questions, so page note now?" He explained, "Red. What's yours?" I asked, "Blue." He said, "What?! No way!" I exclaimed, "Yes way!" He said laughing, "I totally thought it would be green!" I said in shock, "Green is nice but blue is better!" He said, "Then why is your hair green and your room too?" I asked, "One, green suits me better than blue, two, it'd be weird if my hair was green and my whole other colour choice was blue." He explained, "Yea, that would look really weird." I said, "So, uhh, what's your favorite hobby?" I asked awkwardly, "Partying, how about you?" He said, "Writing poems." I said, "That's nice-" he was interrupted by a vibration in his pocket, "Sorry, someone's calling." He laughed reaching for his phone, "Hello!" He said, "Oh hi dad!", "That's cool!-", "What, no.", "I- fine, I'll come back." He ended the call, "What was that?" I asked, "My dad wants us to come home, it's your foster parent." He explained, "Oh cool!" I said, "Yea, wahoo! We gotta head back now." He sighed, "I'm pretty warm, could we stay for a bit?" I asked, "No, unfortunately we have to head back now, you can keep the coat though." He offered, "Isn't it like, your favorite one though?" I reminded him, "You don't have to have it if you don't want-" I cut him off, "I don't feel like freezing, also it's really comfortable how do you get it this comfy?" I questioned as he unzipped the coat and wrapped it around me, "I don't know, it just stays like that." He responded as we began walking down the mountain.

"Aren't you cold?" I asked half way down the mountain, "A little, but we're almost back down anyway." He said, "What did your dad say on that call?" I asked, "Uhh, I just told you? Stuff about your foster mom." He said, "Cool, I've never had a mom." I joked, "Really?" He asked, "No I had a mom just not for long." I responded, "No, I don't wanna talk about it." I added before he could ask, "Ok, well I can see the end of the mountain from here, race you down?" He suggested, "Sure why not." I responded as we both ran down the rest of the way, I won, because I fell and started sliding down instead. "Pete! Are you ok?!" Mike laughed as he ran closer to me, "Yea, I'm fine!" I called back trying not to laugh, "You've got some snow in your hair, let me get it!" He said as he moved the snow off of my head, "Ok, back home?" He said, "Yea, can we not race this time?" I joked as we started walking back again, "We'll see~" he teased, "No seriously, I don't feel like nearly dying again, especially as conformist as that!" I said more seriously this time, he just laughed, "Sure ok.", we joked and he laughed the rest of the way home, something was off though, his mannerism had changed since that phone call, I don't think I want to find out why.

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