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"Are ready?" Kenny asked, "YES!" Everyone cheered, I rolled my eyes and sat down in the circle with everyone else, "So, the rules of this game are simple, the starter person spins the bottle and then asks whoever it lands on truth or dare-", "So it's spin the bottle truth or dare?" Stan asked interrupting Kenny, "Yes Stan, how bright of you!" Kenny said sarcastically, "However if you don't do the truth, or dare, then you have to eat this in one bite. No milk!" Kenny said as he held up the hottest pepper in the world, "But I'm so bad with heat!" Clyde cried, "It's fine, just do the dares, tell the truth and you'll be fine." Kenny said, "Kenny, how many of these do you have?" Wendy asked, "About.... 100.." Kenny laughed, "Why do you have these if this party was so last minute?" Stan asked, "Well, Stan, I happen to enjoy spicy stuff, and we all know what happened the last time you ever had something not even close to this level." He laughed, "Oh come on guys that was eight years ago." Stan stated, they all burst out laughing, I was too busy trying not to laugh to laugh, "Anyway, should we start?" Kenny asked holding up a beer bottle, "Hell yes." Bebe yelled, "Ok, Bebe how about you go first." Kenny said, "Oooh, ok!" She said spinning the bottle, it landed on Stan, "Ok, Stan truth or dare?" She said rubbing her hands together, "Uhh, dare?" He said sheepishly, "I dare you, to kiss the person you find most attractive in this room!" She finally said, "What?! But you and Wendy are the only girls here?" He argued, "So? Plus we all know you swing both ways.~" she teased leaning back onto the wall behind her looking proud, "I- ugh, ok, so uhh, just to be clear where do I have to kiss them?" He clarified, "I'll be nice.. anywhere you want." She responded, "Oh thank God." He sighed, "You wouldn't be saying that if Kyle was here." She mumbled, "What?" He asked, "Nothing." She responded quickly, "Who do you think he's gonna go for?" Mike asked me in a whisper, "Don't know don't care...... but, him and Wendy were a thing at one point." I whispered, "Yea, that's true." Mike replied, "So who ya going for?" Wendy asked, "Kenny! Get over here!" He called out, "Yea." Kenny sighed, "No homo?" Stan said, "No homo." Kenny laughed as Stan kissed his cheek, "Why'd you kiss the cheek man? Wouldn't it make more sense to kiss my hand or something?" Kenny asked, "I don't know where those hands have been." Stan responded, "I mean, I don't know where those lips have been.." Kenny rolled his eyes, "Ok, ok, enough of your zest fest, Stan your turn." Clyde joked, "Oh come on man, not like I like him, or he likes me. He likes-" Stan was interrupted by Kenny slapping him over the back of the head, "Ow! What the f*ck?!" He yelped, "You like parties now?" Mike whispered to me, "No... but I do like this!" I said now more focused on the game, "STAN! It's your turn!" Wendy shouted, "Right sorry." He apologized by spinning the bottle, it landed on Mike, "Oh f*ck." I whispered, "Mike! Truth or dare?" He asked, "Dare, I am no p*ssy. Per se." He responded, "You're still not saying that right." I sighed, "Ok, umm, since I am an unoriginal b*tch.-", "At least you admit it~" Tolkien interrupted Stan, "Whatever, Bebe, I'm stealing your idea. Mike, make out with anyone in this room right now." He said, 'What the f*ck is wrong with that f*ggy conformist?!' I panicked, 'Please take the pepper, please take the pepper, please take the-' my thoughts were interrupted as Mike said, "Ok, how long?", 'F*CK!' I thought, "Five seconds." Stan replied, "Ooooh~" everyone said in unison, 'Stan, kys.' I glared, "Ok." Mike laughed looking around is if he wasn't about to f*cking pick me, "Pete, do I have consent?" He asked jokingly, everyone looked either shocked or not shocked, "Mike, if you do this I will choke you to death with a pepper!" I threatened, "Worth it." He said sitting down in my lap and kissing me 'I hate this.' I thought as he forced his tongue into my mouth and explored every inch, after five seconds he let go and got off my lap, "How was that?" Bebe laughed, Stan was just sat in shock, "I'm gonna kms." I said wiping my mouth, "No, don't do that." Mike said, "Never do that again and I won't." I responded, "Ofcorse!" I said happily spinning the bottle, it landed on Wendy, "Wendy! Truth or dare?" He asked, "Truth!" She quickly responded, "Truth? Haven't had one of them yet.. uhh, what's your biggest secret?" He asked, "Well if you were in the school and you've seen the posters, then it's not much of a secret anymore, I still love Stan." She said, "I-" Stan tried to speak but Wendy interrupted him, "No, I already know you like Kenny more." She sighed, "He's my best friend!-" he argued, "What about Kyle?" She pushed, "Kyle and I are- we- were on a break." He sighed, "Anyway my turn." She said annoyed spinning the bottle, it landed on Butters, "T or D?" She asked now sounding bored, "Uhh, t-truth." He answered sounding just as shy as elementary school, "What's your deepest secret?" She questioned, "I- uhh-" he struggled with his words, "Go on." She interrupted, "Give me the pepper Kenny.." he sighed, "Really? Ok dude." Kenny said passing him the pepper, he ate it all at once his face turning red immediately, his eyes watering up and his nose running, "Oh hamburgers!" he said before getting up and running to the kitchen, "Hey! No milk!" Kenny called out, "You didn't say water!" He called back, we all laughed, Mike got a text on his phone and his smile immediately dropped, "Dad wants us home." He said looking at me, "Lame, we still have tomorrow?" I suggested, he didn't say anything he just grabbed my hand and pulled me up, "Sorry guys we have to go early!" He announced to everyone before leaving, "So what is it?" I asked, "I don't want to be the one to tell you." He responded, "Ugh, whatever.." I said as we walked to his house.

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