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When I woke up the next morning I checked the time, '8am?! Ugh, I was meant to sleep in today..' I thought as I heard the front door close, 'Guess that's what woke me up. Anyway, I need food, what the hell do we have.' I got up thinking, and began my slow descent down the stairs towards the kitchen, I had to be slow because if I went too fast and pulled something, it could do serious damage, I know sucks right.

The second I got close to the kitchen I hungrily moved as fast as I could in that moment towards the fridge to see what we had, 'Hmm, I could microwave the chicken from last night, that might be good..' I stood there staring at the fridge for a while before getting a text from Bloodrayne and Larry:

~'GigaLarry': "So anyone want to hang out?"

~You: "Sorry can't RN still recovering, be there in a week. :F"

~'Its rayning blood': "If Vampirs' not there I'm not going, I'll feel like I'm leaving him out :("

~'GigaLarry': "Oh, ok. Well see you guys in a week, and hopefully at Clyde's party?"

Oh I hadn't even thought about that in a while, might be fun?

~You: "Idk what's there per se?"

~'GigaLarry': "idk ask Clyde."

~'Its rayning blood': "Well we don't have his number, unlike you apparently."

~'GigaLarry': "I don't have his number, I'm in the damn party group chat. One of the other Vamp kids invited me."

~You: "Oo~ I'll see if Pete wants to go per se."

~'Its rayning blood': "Yea invite your bOyFrIeNd~"

I felt my face glow a bright red as I scowled and went offline.

'Ok, back to food. Yea chicken should be good!' I thought to myself as I took the cold chicken to the microwave and set the timer for about two minutes, I spent that time looking around from where I was standing nothing really caught my eye as it was all what I usually saw, until I spotted a note on the fridge, in bold letters it read:

'Oh sh*t yea I forgot about that.' I secretly laughed at myself taking the chicken out of the microwave, sitting down and beging to eat, it was better than I expected but I still need the homework, I pull out my phone to text him:

~You: "Hey I forgot the homework at your trailer, sorry but could you come over with it per se?"

I stared at my phone for a while, mouth still full before putting it down as I didn't get an answer, however the second I put it down he answered:

~'My Goth<3': "Whatever, give me like, 40 minutes, I'm not at my trailer rn."

~You: "Ok, see you then per se! ;F"

I responded, he left me on read, so I just finished my chicken instead before heading back upstairs to watch a film for a while before he arrived.

Around an hour in with only ten minutes of the film left, I heard a knock at the door.
I ran downstairs to open it clutching my side in pain as it still slightly hurt. "Thanks for coming I-" I stopped myself as I looked upon the sight before me as I opened the door, "Pete, why the f*ck are you so bruised and scratched up?" I asked seriously, what happened to him, "Uhh, the door to my room wasn't working, so I left through the window instead and got a bit scratched up from the brambles." He responded, I paused before responding, "Ok. Let's get you fixed up, homework can wait.", He told me he was really fine but I grabbed his hand and pulled him into the kitchen, and went to find the medical supplies, it was silent before I broke it by laughing, "This is giving me deja vu.", "Oh, yea. The first day we became friends!" I heard him smile, 'He remembered, and he called us friends!' I excitedly thought to myself as I walked back into the kitchen, placing the supplies on the counter and taking out some plasters and anti-septic wipes. "This might hurt a bit." I said, "Yea, now I'm getting deja vu!" He laughed, I chuckled in response, he was smiling slightly, I liked seeing him smile, I shook my head and stopped staring, and began to clean his injuries with the anti-septic wipes.

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