Chapter 1: The Rowdy Crowd

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Karmi hated airports, no she loathed them. They were loud, giant, easy to get lost in, and whoever invented airport security had to be a devil in disguise. "I hate this..." She groaned as the security guard scanned her belongings.

"At least we're not waiting with your mom to pick up the dogs." Her step-father Zachary reminded her. The twins and Molly went ahead so they could get their pets dogs and Baymax from another place in airport security. "Did the flight drain your social batteries?"

"I was asleep for most of it." Karmi pointed out. Thankfully their flight wasn't full of screaming babies or children, but one guy was arguing with a poor flight attendant about the food and demanding to speak to whoever was in charge of the flight.

Zachary nodded. "Ah, right. Glad you got some sleep, I don't know how anyone can nap a million miles above ground."

"Dad, it's not a million miles above ground. More like thirty-eight thousand feet-"

"Big difference!"

Eventually they met up with the rest of their family at the bag drop-off, Diggs and Domino were still in their travel crates, but Baymax wasn't. "Hello, Zachary and Karmi." She blinked, he wasn't the same Baymax that followed Hiro around, but they were so similar.

Except for the red eyes, it was what kept Karmi from thinking that Hiro had shipped his own healthcare companion with her. "Hey Baymax." She waved to him.

"Aww, how come we don't get a hello?!" Haley pouted at her.

Karmi giggled. "I was just about to say hi to you and Ryan."

"Domino doesn't like his travel crate." Ryan stated.

Molly looked like he had said that dozens of times. "I told you Ryan, we can let Domino and Diggs out when we get out of the airport."

"So can we leave now? Please Mom!" Haley begged.

Their mother looked like she wanted to get back on that plane. "Well, we've got our bags so let's roll." Zachary chuckled. "Baymax, do you mind helping carry the bags?"

"I do not mind. I am programmed to aid and assist." Baymax replied, effortlessly holding onto their luggage.

When they escaped the airport, first the twins did was release the hounds. Domino instantly bolted from his cage and ran around the family, barking his thanks about being freed. "Settle down bud, we still gotta leash you." Haley told him. Domino stopped running and let her attach a leash to his collar. Then he continued to walk around as they waited for a taxi.

"I can't wait to visit London tower." Molly grinned in excitement. "I hear it's a great place for couples to go."

"Wait until we settle first." Zachary reminded her.

The twins had other ideas of touring. "I wanna visit the Dalmatian Plantation!" Haley exclaimed. "Domino's great-great grandparents used to live there!"

The dalmatian rolled his eyes. They technically had no proof that Domino's ancestry traced back to the farm that was a shelter for all dogs, not just dalmatians, but Haley liked to imagine their dog was the canine equivalent of nobility. "I wanna visit there too." Karmi agreed with her. "It's why I asked Mom and Dad for us to go to Camden, y'know!"

"I also wanted to go!"

Ryan shook his head at his twin. "You didn't pick where we'd go. Karmi did, I wanna visit the history museums they have there."

At that moment, the taxi showed up and they got in. The driver raised an eyebrow at Domino. "You folks heading to Camden?"

"Yes, sir." Molly nodded. "Closest hotel to Regents Park please."

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