Chapter 10: How To Be a Hero

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"You want to be a what?"

"You heard me!" Karmi crossed her arms, a serious expression on her face. "I wanna learn how to be a superhero, and I could use some help."
She couldn't learn how to be one overnight, so the biotech major decided that her best plan on how to learn the ropes was to ask her friends for help.

Both Eleanor and Kirby were giving her looks of confusion. "Um, why do you wanna be one?" The animal whisperer asked.

"It's a long story." Karmi rubbed the back of her neck, trying to hide her blush. "But the point is, Big Hero 6 helped me when I was in a really bad situation, so I wanna be able to help them like they helped me."

"Awww, that's really sweet of you!" Eleanor exclaimed.

Even Kirby smirked in amusement. "Should've known you would've had a mushy and sappy reason for it."

"I am not mushy!" Karmi protested, she was a firm individual!

The jock was still smirking at her. "Suuuuure."

Luckily, Eleanor intervened before Karmi could say anything to their smug friend. "Um, so do you have any plans so far? What's your superhero name gonna be?"

Karmi went into her purse and pulled out a couple papers. "Already on that! I'm kind of basing my superhero persona on the one of me I have in my fanfiction, she's called Lab Lady."


"Wait, is it a good idea to base your superhero look on a character you write?" Kirby had other opinions. "Not going to be helping with your secret identity."

They had a point but she didn't really care. "Not every hero has a secret identity, what about Iron Man? Or Ms. Marvel?"

"Those are big time superheroes though!" Kirby pointed out, then it hit them. "Wait, you're planning on using the SCPA aren't you?"
Eleanor looked at the jock in confusion. "The what?"

"Superhero Connections Protection Agency." Karmi explained the acronym with the wave of her hand. "Founded by SHIELD, they help heroes who don't have secret identities protect their families and such."

"Huh, if they exist, why don't superheroes nowadays reveal their identity?" The animal whisperer raised an eyebrow.

This time it was Kirby who answered them. "Probably because they don't want to mix their personal life with their superhero life." They then turned back to Karmi. "Are you sure about this?"

Karmi nodded, sure she had yet to talk to her parents about it, but this was too important! She wasn't going to risk them snipping this plan of hers in the bud, or worse, use it as leverage to keep her away from San Fransokyo.

She didn't think they'd do that, but then again Karmi didn't think her mother would think she couldn't be independent without getting into trouble either. Even if they both mended that bridge, the biotech major wouldn't forget those words anytime soon.

"Well that sells it for me!" Kirby smiled at her. "I'll help you out on this."

"Me too!" Eleanor added.

Karmi couldn't help but squeal and wrap both friends into a big hug. "Thank you both!" She tried not to tear up, but her eyes weren't completely dry. "You guys are the best!"

"No problem." Kirby patted her shoulder. "But also I need oxygen so could you-?"

Both of them were dropped. "Sorry." The biotech major blushed.

The jock was still grinning. "It's fine, besides I already have a plan on how to get you started in superheroics!"

"Really?" Already after telling them of her plan?

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