Chapter 5: Ferry Dogs

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Another day in Camden. Karmi thought as she got ready for the morning. "Hey Dad, how was meeting the Dalmatian family parents?" She had forgotten to ask yesterday, too excited about the fact she had a new friend.

"Oh, they were great!" Zachary grinned. "Doug and I, we share a sense of humor."

Molly thought otherwise. "At least technology made communication much easier, which reminds me." She refilled their dogs' water dish. "After our trip, Domino can use a few online programs to keep in contact with his extended family, they gave us a list of apps the family uses."

Domino looked ecstatic at the news. "Yay! I don't have to say goodbye to my family anytime soon!" He bounced up and down, wagging his little tail. Karmi didn't need to be an animal whisperer to translate that.

Speaking of Eleanor... "Mother, Dad, is it alright if I go do my own thing for the day?" She requested. "I have plans."

"Of course!" Her dad said while her mother said "No." They both gave each other looks. "Molly, we talked about this." He whispered under his breath so the biotech major wouldn't hear. "Karmi needs her freedom, if you keep trying to put boundaries on her, it'll damage your bond with her."

Karmi didn't hear what was said, but whatever her dad told her mother had worked. "Yes, you can adventure out on your own today. But remember, tomorrow we're going to be going on a trip to the museum." Molly pointed out.

Karmi wouldn't forget, she'd never miss out on any plans with her folks. "Got it!" She packed up her things into her purse, and started to head out.

"Bye parents, bye twins, bye Baymax, bye doggos." Karmi waved as she exited the hotel room.

"Aw, why does Baymax get his own goodbye..." Domino pouted.

Diggs just snickered at the pup.

"Woah, you weren't kidding." Karmi exclaimed, ice cream cone in hand. "This stuff is good!"

Eleanor hummed as they took a bite of their sundae. "Yeah, that's why me and Kirby come here all the time." They explained. "Sometimes if it's just me, I buy a snack for Fergus, they make ice cream for dogs, but foxes count, right?"

"Foxes are both and neither cats or dogs, so I don't know." The biotech major shrugged. I wonder if any of the Dalmatians know about this ice cream shop, I bet if they did, this place would be rolling in dough from having an extra one-hundred and one customers.

Eleanor giggled, but then looked up. "Oh, speaking of the devil, they will appear!"

"Really?" Karmi turned around to see a teenager standing behind her. They had dark brown hair with an undercut, grey-ish yellow eyes, a bright pink jacket, and a small notch on their right ear. "Ellie, if I'm the devil, that makes you an angel, and we don't know who's shoulder we'd be perched on!"

The animal whisperer pointed to Karmi. "I made a new friend, this is Karmi."

"Hi." Karmi awkwardly waved. She had heard about Kirby a little bit, but didn't expect them to meet in person. Then again that should've been obvious, Eleanor seems like the type of person to introduce their new friends to their old friends.

Kirby hummed. "Hmm, well I'm Kirby." They shook hands. "How'd you meet Ellie?"

"Her friend Fergus got us to bump into each other, literally."

They raised an eyebrow, then turned to Eleanor. "Does she know about the-"

"Yep! I gave her a demonstration with one of her dogs, oh by the way one of her dogs has extended family with our local dalmatians!"

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