Chapter 3: A Friend in Dawkins

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She woke up feeling her chest was trying to pound out of her body from anxiety. The familiar thought of oh gosh the- echoed through Karmi's mind.

Before SFIT, the thought was usually oh gosh the twins, or the dreadful feeling of having to go through another agonizing day of school. SFIT was better, the thought was usually replaced with oh gosh did I turn in that paper for Professor Percival's class? Or oh gosh I forgot to edit chapter 6 and it's being posted today!

Nowadays the thought is always oh god I'm so sorry Hiro- before remembering that she was back to normal, the voice in her head no longer urging her to serve she-who-shall-not-be-named. Karmi groaned, stirring in bed and looking over at the clock by the nightstand. Oh gosh, I'm still on vacation and I woke up at 6 AM.

Going back to sleep wasn't an option, once Karmi got up, she stayed up. So she quietly maneuvered out of her bed to not wake up the sleeping twins, and made sure to bring her phone when she left the room.

"Even thousands of miles across the ocean, I still can't get that voice out of my head." Karmi sighed, as took the long way to the lobby and lay down on one of the couches. Ding! She looked at her phone, a message on it's screen.

Juniper: Saw from chat that you were online. You okay?

Well, at least Karmi could take solace in the fact she wasn't the only one in the group who had trouble sleeping at night thanks to Sycorax.

Karmi: Eh could be better :/

Juniper: Aw. Want me to call?

Karmi: Sure

Not even two seconds later and the familiar funky pop music that High Voltage used to play during their shows softly played from her phone's ringtone. "What's up fellow early bird?" Karmi answered the phone.

"Trying to make tea." Juniper panned the camera to show she was in the kitchen. "I have no idea how to use the coffee maker."

"Google the coffee maker brand and see what the instructions are from that."

She blinked. "Ohhh, I didn't think of that."

Karmi chuckled, she didn't blame the dancer, it was really late on her end. "Why are you making tea with the coffee maker?"

"Because it's too early in the AM for coffee." The blonde sighed. "I like the stuff Hiro and Ari's aunt makes, but not when I have another nightmare."

"I was afraid you'd say that." The bags under those cocoa brown eyes were evidence enough. "Do you wanna talk about it?"

Juniper shook her head. "It'd just be repeating myself at this point, but it was about you-know-who." A hand went to rub her eyes. "I'm so tired of nightmares about her."

"Mood." The biotech major yawned. "Shame we can't exile her to Antarctica."

"Or Mars."

They both snickered. "I'd feel sorry for the astronauts there." The mental image was too hilarious to put into words. "Kind of can relate to them, stepping into uncharted territory, that's what I felt like when I was walking through the Dalmatian household."

That got her friend to perk up in curiosity. "Yeah, you didn't give much info yesterday." Juniper grinned. "Spill?"


Teen Dorks Squad group chat:

Rach: I miss sleeping in ;-;

Meg: Same

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