Chapter 14: The Devil Woman

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"We're not going out today?" Karmi questioned as she was tidying up her hair, it being shorter had such a benefit of there being less tangles to brush through, so she was almost done when her parents told the kids that they weren't leaving the hotel today.

Molly shook her head. "No, last night there was a series of traffic accidents, some people got so hurt they had to go to the hospital!"

"The news said it was some car that was one huge speed limit violation." Zachary added.

Neither of the twins understood the speed limit part, as the complications of driving were unknown to them. "Was it a supervillain?" Haley asked.

"Lord, I hope not." Molly shuddered at the thought.

The twins looked equally nervous as their mom. "It's okay guys, even if it was a supervillain, I could handle it." Karmi reassured them.

"Really?" Zachary looked up at her.

"Yeah, I managed to take down a scary monster that Big Hero 6 had trouble with!" Though with the context she had about Orso Knox, she wouldn't have described him as a big scary monster now, but he did terrify everyone at that gala at the time.

Both her parents were staring at her with wide eyes. I forgot they didn't know about that. "That happened?!" Zachary exclaimed.

"Uh... well the monster was just targeting my ex boss, because she was the one who... y'know." Karmi gestured. "But I didn't know that at the time so I used my nano-receptors on him, add a sedative on them and they can knock a person out in seconds!"

"Why do you want to go back to that city again?" Molly was narrowing her eyes.

"Because not everyday is a supervillain attack and I like the people there." Karmi narrowed her eyes back.

Zachary thankfully interrupted the staring contest before it got too bad. "Okay let's save the debate for another day, today is just going to be a nice chillaxing day at the hotel spa."
"There's a spa at the hotel?" Ryan questioned.

"Why have I not heard about this until now?" Karmi added.

Her step-dad sweatdropped. "Well... we better get going before we're late!" He went for the door.

"Get back here and answer the question!" Karmi chased after him.

Friendship Circle group chat:

Karmi K: so did y'all hear about the big traffic jam?

Eleanor M: One of my cousins got injured bc of it : (

Dolly D: Oh dog that's horrible!

Eleanor M: He's okay, thankfully he wasn't hurt enough to need to go to the hospital but he's staying in bed today.

Kirby G: My aunt thinks something is sus about the whole traffic thing and I agree with them

Domino K: Like a supervillain?

Dawkins D: We have a supervillain at home

Dolly D: The supervillain at home, clarissa,jpeg

Karmi K: Is Karen Corgi bugging you guys again?

Dolly D: nah she's helping hugo set up outside for a stupid tea party rn

Dylan D: that picture was during that time she tried to trick me into marrying her bc she thought I was royalty

Kirby G: pardon my french but what the actual (bleep)

Kirby G: ?

Baymax 2: I have been programmed to censor any swears in-chat

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