Chapter 4: Seeing Double

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Another day of watching the pups... Dylan groaned as he walked down the street. He was going on another supply run while Dolly stayed back and watched the pups. And I'm going to come home to a mess, aren't I?

Least for him, going shopping wasn't much of an issue. The market his family bought from respected that they didn't need a human to get stuff for them.

On his way back however, carrying the bag of goodies and treats and extras toys and blankets, he saw a familiar fox poking through the trash. "Hey, Fergus!" Fergus was a darkish-orange fox with a cream belly, dark paws and ears, and a brown tail with white on the end.

Fergus poked his head from the trash, his amber eyes delighted to see him. "Hey Dyl, how's it hanging?" He padded over. "Went shopping?"

"Yeah, just some toys and extra snacks." Dylan nodded. "The other day, some of the pups were playing dodgeball, but a lot of balls went in Clarissa's yard and she wouldn't give it back to the 'ruff-raff.'" He curled his lip, imitating the snooty corgi's tone.

The fox twitched his ears in sympathy. "Man, every time I hear about that dog, she just gets worse and worse. Sid could cut the power to her house for a night if it'll cheer you guys up."

"Normally I'd tell you that's bad, buuuut-" Dylan trailed off.

"It's Clarissa, D-Dawg, you don't need that negative energy in your life."

The dog nodded. "Right, while I was at the store, I got something for you." He dropped his bag and took out a large dog-sized treat. "As thanks for looking after Dakota."

"It's no problem, your little sister's a blast to be around! One of these days I should invite her to the Canal Crew." Fergus happily took the treat and began munching it.
Dylan recalled the one time he tried "going wild" and failed miserably. "Please don't, bad enough we've got humans in the mix lately-"

The fox paused from eating his treat. "Humans?"

Oops, did not mean to say that. "Long story, my little brother DJ's littermate Domino is visiting town with his humans, and since then they've been hanging around my family. Dolly isn't happy about that, and I'm not sure how to feel about all this-" He exhaled. "I don't hate humans like she does, but ever since Hunter and that time Hugo called animal control on us, I can't really trust them, y'know?"

Fergus nodded. "Totally feel ya D-Dawg. I can see how you and Dolly feel." He was close to Dolly, and she had talked about why humans were especially a sore subject to her, so he understood that both of them were mostly worried for their siblings. "But I also can relate. Y'see, I've been kind of hanging with a human as of late-"

"What?!" Dylan exclaimed. "What happened to being wild and free as you always said?!"

"You make it sound like I'm their pet." Fergus scoffed. "Look, they're harmless as a fly. They feed squirrels at the park and they catch live spiders and release them outside. Trust me, I wouldn't be around them otherwise."

The dog tsked. "Fair point, it's kind of weird how we've both got humans in our lives now."

"Yeah, if you told me that a few months ago D-Dawg, I would've thought you had catnip!"

"Wonder if they've run into each other at some point."

"Hm, hey where's Domino's family staying?"

"Thunderbolt Lodge, why do you ask?"

Fergus replied with a grin. "I've got an idea that'll help you and Dolly sleep more at night."

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