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Tatiana Grant

Instead of listening to what Kayden said, I decided to do the opposite because after hearing what Hugo noted, it was clear that it was my father's doing. He started, and Kayden's father added everything.

After Hugo left to send Kayden off, I took that time to take the emergency stairs. I got out from the back of the hotel and waved my hand to call a taxi.

"Where to go- oh! Your Highness!" The taxi driver was shocked to see me.

"What's your name?"

"Finn Butler, Your Highness."

"Finn, I need you to take me to The Adlers." Who doesn't know the Adlers in London? Everyone knows them because they own the most extensive media and telecommunication companies.

"Yes, Your Highness." He sped up to the Adler's Tower in the center of London. Since I don't have my phone, I can't contact Sophia, but I hoped she would be there.

When we arrived at Adler's Tower, I took out 300 pounds for him.

"Your Highness, it's okay." Finn was trying to reject it.

"Please take it. Thank you so much," I said and exited the taxi. I ran into the building before Hugo caught up with me. I bet he will, but before he catches me.

I ran to the nearest guard, and his eyes widened when he saw me, "Your Highness."

"I need you to call Sophia Adler for me. Tell her that Tatiana is looking for her." The guard ran toward the lift, and I waited for him to tell Sophia. I kept looking outside to see if Hugo was catching up with me soon.

I bet Kayden knew about the situation right away, and lucky me, I didn't bring my phone.

"Tatiana!" When I heard my name calling, I saw Sophia running towards me. She looked confused and concerned but also excited to see me. She hugged me.

"Are you okay? Do you need anything?"

"My husband, he got-"

"Say what?! Your husband? As in, you're already married to Kayden Grant?" She raised her eyebrows.

"Sophia, focus! I need you to do something for me." I grabbed both of her arms, and she nodded.

"Anything. What is it?"

"I want you to stop all the news about Kayden that's currently going around right now, and I want you to find out-" I stopped when I saw the man present in Kayden's headquarters the other day. He was with Blake.

"And then?" Sophia was waiting for me.

"Just delete all the news about Kayden and make sure her family and the Royal family can never put their words out there." The man said it for me, and Sophia turned to him, glaring.

"Ignore him. He's going to be my step-brother in a month." Sophia turned to me and smiled.

"Yeah, step-siblings who fuck sometimes." My jaw dropped when he said that, and Sophia ignored him.

"Is that what you need? What Vincent just said earlier?" Sophia asked, and I nodded.

"Mrs.Grant!" I gasped when I saw Hugo. I grabbed Sophia's hand and ran towards the lift. Sophia took me to her office and quickly made a call to some people. She told everyone to shut down all the news outlets about Kayden.

She even made sure that no one would be able to talk about Kayden, my family, and his family for as long as I could.

"You're such an angel." I hugged her.

"That's the least I can do for you."

"Is it true?" I asked, and she knew what I meant.

"Yes. I'm having fun before my wedding comes at the end of the year." That's so Sophia.

"I'm not going to comment on that."

"And you're married. I'm so happy for you, Tatiana, and I'm inviting you to my wedding this year, so you better come because I'm moving to Italy soon." She clapped her hands, and I chuckled.

"I have to go. My husband will be worried sick." She hugged me and let me go. I went to the lobby and waved at Hugo, who looked so stressed.

"Mrs.Grant." Hugo gave me his phone, and it was Kayden.

"What are you doing, Princess?" He raised his voice a little.

"I wanted to stop the media from spreading the news like wildfire. I'm going to Seattle now, I promise." I explained it quickly, and Hugo ran his hands through his hair, completely stressed out.

"Go with Hugo, and no more running away again. I'm going to punish you when I get home. I love you, Mon Avenir."

"Love you too."

Kayden Grant

After making sure my wife got on the plane, I went back to the office to check the update on who exactly started it. We captured all the news before Tatiana asked her friend to take it down.

"Are we only here for the torture?" Sage asked. He's always thirsty for blood, which sometimes makes Asher so annoyed at him because he always asks if there will be killing involved or not.

"If you're lucky, we're going to kill someone."

"Do you get something, Jamal?" I asked as I walked to him. He's currently trying to hack all the news outlets' social media to track if there are any anonymous messages for them about this matter.

"Give me 2 minutes, boss." He said, and I turned to Rodi.

"Let's just stick to your first plan, boss. I think it's better because we get to see them suffering." Rodi said as he got up, walking towards Sage, who was busy watching the CCTV.

"Boss!" Jamal called, and we found an anonymous email. We found the IP address of that email, which said, "I'll give you Tatiana Clifford's husband Kayden Grant's darkest secrets. I will tell you with details." We tracked the email, and I sent Sage to their place to kill anyone behind it.

"Do you want to go to Paris or finish everything here first?" Sage asked before going out on his merry way.

"I'll start with here. Breaking into the palace might be the easiest task for now."

"Okay. Good luck to us, boss. Don't leave me out if you want to kill someone." I gave him a nod, and he grabbed his helmet. After checking again about the King's allegations, I decided to spread the news about the Twins to the world.

I will ensure it spreads a thousand times more than what he did to me.

I'm going to show him how much power I have and make sure to show his place.

BLOODHOUNDS #2: THE TAKERWhere stories live. Discover now