Chapter 8 - MISTAKE

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Tatiana Clifford

This was a big mistake.

Something was wrong with me from the moment he touched me. It was like he was hypnotizing me with his blue eyes. It was like he put a spell on me that made me give in to him. It felt like my body had found who it belonged.

After I said no to his offer, he left me there in an empty room, completely naked. I put my dress on and exited the building through the back door.

When I got back to my apartment, a text came into my phone.

Unknown Number: Have a good night's sleep, Princess.

I put my phone on the sink and jumped into the shower because I looked like a hot mess. After I got out, I grabbed a big blanket that I got earlier, wrapped myself like a burrito, and went to sleep.

I woke up to the sound of knocking.

I got up slowly and checked the time on my phone. It's 8. I'm not expecting someone, and I'm positive I don't have any neighbors. I opened the door, and my eyes widened to see the two men who had been at the airport two days ago.

"Good morning, Your Highness. We're from the FBI." He showed me his badge, and I stepped back, "The British government wants us to take you back to London."

"No." I shook my head as I gripped my phone tightly.

"I'm sorry, Your Highness, but we don't have any other choice but to take you back." He grabbed my upper arm and dragged me out of my apartment. The second guy grabbed my other arm to ensure I was not running away.

"I need to speak to my fiance before going with you."

"You can't. The Bloodhounds have lifted their protection on you, so you won't be able to communicate with them anymore, including your fiance." Shoot. I stopped walking with them, and they raised their eyebrows, confused.

"I need Blake Lockwood."

"Your Highness, The Ravens will never be involved in this. Especially Mr.Lockwood." With that, they took my phone away and dragged me out of my apartment building.

Five black SUV cars are waiting for me in front of the building.

"Get all her things." He commanded his men, and I tried to pull my arms away from them, but they were locking me in place.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked the guy on my right who was holding my phone.

"Yes, Your Highness."

"Do you mind if I call my father?" He looked slightly taken aback by my question, but then he handed me my phone. There's a text message from Kayden.

Kayden: Last chance, Princess. Give me the 12 percent, and you'll never return to London again. Just say the word 'yes,' and you'll be free.

This was all his doing.

I decided to do the only thing that I could do right now. I stomped on their foot and booked it. I ran like my life depended on it, which I am. I looked back and saw at least 20 people running after me.

My eyes caught a busy street, and I ran towards it. I heard lots of honking behind me, and I hid in a small alleyway, hoping no one would find me. When I heard people calling my name, I decided to run again.

"She's going to the north. Block the road." Someone screamed, and I kept running. I never looked back, not even once. I hope that they lose me and decide not to find me anymore.

I wouldn't say I like Kayden. I know all of this was his doing.

He wanted me to surrender, to agree to his terms, and want to hear me beg. He can dream and pray at night for it.

I stopped in my tracks when two FBI agents stood at the end of the road. I looked back and found five of them walking toward me. I turned to my left and found one of them, and when I turned to my right, it was a busy road.

I let my guy take over, and I ran to my right, putting my hand out and stopping the cars to let me cross. They were honking and cursing at me, but I couldn't care less.

Before I could process my thoughts after crossing a busy road and managing to be alive, someone caught me. I saw Kayden looking at me coldly, and I glared at him.

"Let me go!" I screamed as I tried pushing him away, but he didn't budge.

All the FBI agents gathered around Kayden and me. He stood behind my back, locking both of my arms behind me.

"A present for you, Victor." The man who knocked on my door earlier walked towards Kayden, and he handed me to him.

"Thank you." Victor put a handcuff on me, and I turned to Kayden, who already had his eyes on me. He said nothing, but I knew he was waiting for me to say yes.

Victor waited for the black cars to arrive so he could take me to the airport and send me back to London.

My heart was pounding, my ears were ringing, and my eyes found Kayden at the last minute before the car came. Kayden turned around and walked away from the scene. Victor opened the car door, and I flinched when I stepped on a rock.

I looked down and saw my feet were bleeding.

I was running barefoot because I was desperate not to return to London.

Victor shoved me inside, but I screamed, "Kayden! Please!" I ended up begging for my life. Victor pushed me into the car, and I called one last time before the door closed, "Yes! I agree!"

Victor closed the door, and the car started to move. Victor reported that he already got me and told me the plane to London was ready.

I leaned my body back to the seat, and tears filled my eyes.

My body froze when I saw the plane, I could feel my body shaking from the thoughts of leaving Seattle after taking freedom for two days.

Victor got me out of the car and led me onto the plane. He had a doctor for me to check my feet. She wrapped a bandage around my feet and my head was spinning.

"Take an Advil, Your Highness." I shook my head and got up from my seat.

"Where are you going?"

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