⚜️Cinema Treasures⚜️

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In beautiful southern Texas, a man drove down the road into a small town. The sun held high in the sky and Cade Yeager was in a blissfully good mood. He parked his simple, faded blue truck across the street from the old cinema. As he stepped out of the truck, he eyed a girl waving to him from the sidewalk by the cinema.

"Hey, Cade!" she shouted. The girl had rich sienna eyes, freckled cheeks and messy, dark brown hair. She wore a yellow long-sleeve shirt with thick sleeves and light jean shorts. Her old white shoes which were now light grey and held together by duct tape, and she wore a raggedy brown mailbag, along with a pencil behind her ear.

She crossed her arms and stared at him with a playful grin. "What's the holdup Cade! The Devil's Anus is too hot for you to be taking your sweet time, dude!"

Cade rolled his eyes. "Oh, please. You're one to talk, Aisha. Last I checked, I'm not the one waited over a month to clean Dad's tractor after he told you to."

Ayisha waved him off. "Ah, that doesn't mean I'm slow, that just means I like to procrastinate," she explained simply, as if it were obvious. "There's a difference."

"Is that better?" Cade asked with a raised brow.

Before his little sister could respond, the conversation was cut short as a small black car with a surfboard attached to the roof pulled into the spot across the street, loud music and bad singing blaring out the windows.

"Well, look who showed up for work," Cade said sarcastically.

Ayisha scoffed and smacked his arm with the back of her hand. "Be nice."

As the car turned off, a man with long, curly red hair in a white shirt and blue hoodie stepped out and made his way toward them.

"What, the surf report no good at South Padre?" Cade asked, staring towards the man, Ayisha following close behind.

"The waves are flat and I've got no gas, you know that, Cade," the man replied. He stopped abruptly as a truck barreled by. The man muttered a 'dude, rude' and shook his head as he continued across the street.

"Lucas," Ayisha exclaimed, knocking the blonde back in a hug as he met them in front of the cinema. "Ugh, I missed you!"

Lucas grunted, stumbling back a bit "Wow, Cade, your sister's getting strong."

Cade nodded sarcastically, "Yea, don't get her hopes up, man. It's not good for her."

Ayisha scoffed. "You know what!" Cade laughed as he turned to go into the cinema.

Lucas looked at her as they walked. "Why are you wearing long-sleeves, it's like a hundred degrees out here."

"Thought you'd know us well enough by now," Cade interrupted. "She ran out of clean laundry again."

Ayisha stammered, "Adfksh- I was trying to ration the laundry soap!"

"Hasn't stopped you before," Lucas mumbled.


Lucas ignored her and looked at Cade. "I'm getting paid on this one, right Cade? Please tell me I'm getting paid on this one," he pleaded.

Ayisha spun to walk backwards. "Hey, at least you have a job, right," she said, trying to make him feel better.

Lucas shrugged. "I guess," he replied sadly.

Before they headed into the cinema, Cade turned around abruptly. "You guys got any cash on you," he asked, glancing between his sister and his friend. Ayisha quickly looked through her bag where she kept her spare cash. Delivering newspapers didn't exactly pay well outside of helping her brother, so more often than not all she had was loose bills and a few nickels.

"Um, I have a few bucks," she said, holding up seven crinkled dollar bills. Her response was followed by a small 'yeah' from Lucas. The three entered the cinema where they were met by a man in a white 10-gallon hat.


The man led them inside where they met the owner of the cinema, who turned out to be the man's grandfather. Ayisha liked him a lot.

As the two men took them through the cinema, the grandfather talked about the problems with movies nowadays, with all the sequels and remakes. He told them about how he used to run the projector and people would come from all over to watch the films. Ayisha had grown fond of hearing the old-timer talk about his glory days in the cinema.

At one point, the man showing them. At hearing that she frowned and turned to the man with a dark glare, holding an edge to her voice as she spoke to the older gentleman, "You know what? You hang in there, buddy. If coming in here makes you feel young then you tell this kid to bring you here everyday." She pointed a thermos at the man's chest, which Cade had previously been eye-balling. "Seven bucks, I keep talking." That shut him up.

The men led them into the auditorium where Ayisha's eyes lit up. She ran her hand along the dusty seats and looked at the large glass chandelier that hung from the ceiling. Memories flooded her mind as she walked down the aisle.

"Hey, Lucas, you remember all those dates you used to bring here in highschool?" Ayisha asked with a hint of playfulness in her voice.

Lucas laughed. "Yeah. I always wanted you to come but you just refused to even give a guy a chance!"

"Hey! I take it upon myself to be a lone wolf. Working in the shadows like a dark knight. I have no such time for relationships." Her tone held an important tone, as if she was the reason the world was still spinning.

Lucas nodded and rolled his eyes. "Uh-huh, sure." Ayisha stuck her tongue out at him before she went back to searching the auditorium. She looked under seats, ('cause you never know what you could find under there), until a loud crash grabbed her attention. She immediately sat up to see Lucas knocked back in a pile of...stuff, rubbing his forehead.

Ayisha gave a bark of laughter as the redhead picked up the football. "That's why you never made the varsity team, you dork," she sneered.

Lucas rubbed his forehead and picked up the ball. "Alright, go along." He threw the ball to her, only to have it bounce off the seat and hit the roof, causing Ayisha to clutch her stomach with laughter.

As she turned around, something quickly caught her eye. A rusted, broken down truck was hidden amongst the heaps of junk in the cinema. It was covered behind torn drapes with a wooden crate in front of it. She gasped and made her way over to the truck, hopping between piles of stuff scattered across the floor.

When she got to it, she noticed a massive hole in the grill. "Woah," she breathed, running her hand over the gap. "What happened to you, big guy?"

"Hey, Cade, come check this out!" she called to her brother. As he came towards her, Ayisha opened the driver's side door, causing mortar shells to tumble out of the cabin. "Woah!" She picked up one of the shells, wearing a shocked grin.

Cade gave a small whistle. "Look at this beauty... You thinking what I'm thinking?"

Ayisha looked at him blankly, "Um..."

"We could use it for spare parts," Cade grinned.

Ayisha tilted her head and frowned. "Um, are you sure? You don't wanna just restore it or somethi-"

"Hey, snakeballs!" Cade interrupted, waving to the shiny cowboy once more. Ayisha sighed. "How much for the truck?"

The man looked at them curiously, although it was more like irritated confusion expression. "Truck?"

REEE- We're locked and loaded and and uhfsldk firin and goin and....locked and loaded!!! XD Because of popular (aka one person's) request, I decided to do what I rarely dare do and run two fanfics at once LESGOOO

....but in all fairness, alot of this is prewritten so I don't think its gonna feel that stressful or nothin

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