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"HERE I AM!!!"

Ayisha looked up as Optimus burst through the barn, firing his cannon in every direction. Thoroughly distracted, the soldiers' grips on Ayisha loosened enough for her to break away and kick the closest one. The cable around her neck loosened as she scrambled off the ground.

She coughed a few times before yanking it off and taking cover behind a tree with Cade, Tessa and Lucas. "Hey, hey, you okay??" her brother asked, gripping her shoulder tightly.

"Yeah, I'm good," She replied with a wheezy cough. She shook off the little dizziness she had left and looked at Optimus, who was still fending off the dozens of soldiers surrounding him.

"Ayisha! Cade! They're going to kill you! Get out of here!" he shouted, doing his best to remain a distraction.

Cade attempted to grab Ayisha's arm, until she pulled away. "Ayisha, what are you doing??"

"You guys go, I gotta help Optimus," she replied, looking back at the giant robot.

Cade's eyes widened. "What?! No! I'm not leaving you! What are you gonna do? Offer them a white sock on a stick?!"

Ayisha rolled her eyes and frowned. "Dammit, Cade! Just trust me, okay?! He's outnumbered a hundred to one against weaponry tailor-made to gun him down like it's hunting season! I've gotta help him." The two stared at each other before Cade sighed and shook his head with a growl.

"Fine, but you come back alive, you hear me?"

Ayisha waved him off dismissively. "Yeah, yeah, now get out of here, go!!!" Cade looked at her one last time before getting Tessa and Lucas and running towards the field, where they could hide.

Ayisha turned to Optimus where she spied three large missiles heading straight for him. Her eyes widened. "Optimus, look out!!" He followed her gaze to the missiles and jumped to the side, narrowly dodging them as he rolled across the grass. Their house exploded, shrapnel and debris flying.

As he continued to shoot, Ayisha swung onto a nearby tree, kicking a soldier square in the face as she climbed. Optimus had to get out of there, and the driveway was blocked off by several black vans. Ayisha knew about a backroad on their property but she had to be sure it was clear.

The second she spotted the road, a missile exploded a few yards from the tree where she was perched. The force of the explosion threw her onto the ground and knocked the wind out of her lungs.

She winced and forced herself to stand. "Opt-" she coughed, "Optimus, where are you?" Her voice trembled as she shouted, searching for the autobot in the dust. She yelped as a large hand closed around her. Surrounded by the shifting of gears and metal, her entire body tensed as Optimus transformed until she found herself sitting in the cabin of the truck.

"Ayisha, are you alright?" he asked urgently through the radio.

She looked around the cabin with some degree of shock before turning to the dashboard. "What? Oh, yeah, I'm okay-" She hissed in pain, clutching her side. she lifted her shirt to see her stomach and ribs blotched with blue and purple bruises. That doesn't look good. "Okay, I may have some light bruising but I'll be fine- Woah!" Her body lifted off the seat as the truck drove over a bump. She winced as she fell on the leather. Yup, something didn't land right.

"Ayisha, you need to hold on tight," Optimus said. "We're not safe just yet."

She looked out the window. "Optimus, on your right!!" He swerved as a missile flew past them, earning another hiss of pain from the girl. "Alright, so what's the plan," she asked. After another hard bump, she quickly buckled the seatbelt over her waist.

"I'm not sure, but right now, we need to lose Cemetery Wind," he explained as he took a hard left to avoid another missile.

Ayisha frowned and thought for a minute. "What if we pull a Tokyo Drift and lose them in a dust cloud? Or at least distract them long enough to get a good distance-!" She yelped as her body jerked upward with a bump.

"There isn't enough dirt for us to make a difference. We'd only be giving them time to catch up with us." Optimus grunted as he took another hard swerve.

The shooting died down, until Ayisha looked out the window and saw helicopters flying in overhead. "Oh boy. Optimus, they called in air support!"

Optimus growled under his breath and swerved hard to the side, throwing the driver side door open. "Ayisha, I'm sorry, but I can't risk you getting hurt," he explained.

Ayisha wanted to argue but she knew this wasn't the time nor the place for her stubbornness. She nodded and quickly jumped out. "Okay, just be careful! I can't afford to fix you up again!"

Optimus revved his engine and drove off, closing the door as he left. Ayisha sighed. "Okay, Aisha, we need to find the guys," she said to herself, glancing around the town she was in.

She ran a hand through her hair, speedwalking until she heard distant gun shots at a large complex. As she sprinted to the building, she saw Optimus fighting a Decepticon on the roof of a grain mill.

"Optimus!" She quickened her pace, beelining for the factory. She had a feeling Optimus could handle himself fairly well, but that didn't ease the worry in her stomach.

Sprinting past flipped over and destroyed Cemetery Wind vans, Ayisha spotted Cade, Tessa, Lucas and a strange dude she'd never seen across the lot. "Cade!!" she shouted, waving her hands in the air. Her brother saw her and grinned with an evident laugh. "Aisha!!"

The dark haired girl heard a honk behind her where Optimus pulled up in his truck mode. She sprinted to the truck and held onto the side of the door. "Guys, come on!" she shouted at the four. "Let's go!"

As Cade, Tessa and the other guy made a mad dash for Optimus, Lucas was still in the car. "My foot's stuck! Wait, Cade!"

Ayisha jumped down to go help Lucas when she noticed the same Decepticon from earlier, holding a small device in his hand before dropping it down towards them.

She gasped. "Cade, run!!!" the brunette cried. Cade, Tessa and the stranger reached her first, but Lucas was still behind. "Lucas!!" She ran to help him, but Cade held her back.

"Ayisha, don't!"

"No, Cade, let me go! Lucas!" She broke free but an explosion and a blinding white light threw her onto the pavement.

A high-pitched ringing filled her ears and she looked back at the car where she'd last seen her friend, but she couldn't believe her eyes. "No..." she whispered. Inches from her feet, the ground was laced with hot, molten metal and all that was left of Lucas was a metal skeleton, draped in burning shreds of fabric...

Woo!! Man... I- this was still rough to write. Even nowadays when I realize how douchey Lucas was 😭 he was still a funny character. Annoying but funny, I liked him... ANYWAY! Enjoy!! And for anyone wondering "Aisha" is Ayisha's nickname, it's not a typo XD have a day! <3

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