⚜️Optimus Prime⚜️

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I think we just found a transformer...

"Eurgh, I'll kill you!!!" the transformer cried, stumbling forward and crashing into things. The walls of the barn rumbled as he tangled himself in chains. "No, no!!" He grunted, falling again as he scrambled for his weapon.

"Dad!! There's a missile in the-" Tessa screamed at the flailing transformer.

He growled, swinging around before stumbling and pointing a giant gun at the three of them. "I'll kill you!!! Stay back!!"

"Woah, woah!" Ayisha shouted, running in front of Lucas and Cade as they backed away. "Everyone calm down, chill the eff out!" She let out a shaky breath and raised her hands as she turned to the transformer. "We're not gonna hurt you...I promise. You're safe, it's okay..."

The robot stared at her for a moment, this odd sense of familiarity in his eyes...yet he looked lost and confused all the same. He lowered his weapon slightly, seeming to pause his hostility towards her....until Lucas tapped into is inner moron.

"Call 911, now!" he cried, running towards the door.

"Lucas, no!" Ayisha shouted as his head collided with the transformer's gun, resulting in a loud clang that echoed through the barn. Ayisha winced as Lucas fell to the floor, groaning loudly. She gave a deadpan sigh and threw her hands with a helpless expression.

"Lucas, don't move, okay? Just stay down," Cade told him before turning to Ayisha worriedly. She gave him an assured nod and turned back to the transformer.

"Easy, human..." he warned.

Ayisha took a few steps toward him, keeping her hands in the air. "Okay, okay, taking it easy. We're not gonna hurt you I promise."

The transformer stumbled back. "Weapons system damaged," he wheezed.

"A missile hit your engine...we took it out of you," Cade explained, making his way next to Ayisha.

She inched closer to the autobot. "You're hurt really bad...we just want to help you," she said with a soft voice. "This is our home."

Cade nodded. "I'm an engineer, my name is Cade Yeager. And this is my little sister, Ayisha. She helped me fix you up."

The transformer wiped his faceplate. "Cade, Ayisha, I am in your debt," he said slowly, leaning against one of the beams in the roof for support, causing the wood to creak and moan. "My name is Optimus Prime." He gave a shallow breath. "My Autobots, they're in danger!" He collapsed on his hands and knees, a part of his helm breaking off and landing inches from Ayisha's feet.

She looked at him sadly. "I need to go, I need to go now," Optimus grunted with a panicked tone.

"Well, how far do you think you're gonna get," Ayisha said patiently, picking up the piece of his helm and handing it to Cade. "Here, help me with this," she mumbled to him.

"What happened to you," Cade asked as he followed Ayisha.

As Optimus explained, she carefully climbed up to his shoulder. "An ambush, a trap set by humans," he said, before a rumbling cough interrupted him, almost causing Ayisha to slip. She knelt down by Cade and gestured for him to hand her the helm. "...I escaped and took this form," he finished.

"But you're on our side," Tessa spoke up. "Why would humans hurt you?"

Optimus leaned on his knee, looking over the small blonde girl. "They were not alone..." He grunted and attempted to stand to his feet, holding a hand to his side. "My Autobots can repair me," he managed to say.

"Yeah, if you can reach them," Ayisha pointed out as she fixed the piece of his helm onto his head. Optimus seemed to have forgotten about her being on his shoulder, because she felt a slight flinch beneath the surface of his dusty metal plating.

"What about us?" Cade offered, gesturing to Ayisha and himself. The Autobot leader seemed to think on that for a moment; whether he could trust them or not. After all they'd done to him and his Autobots... But then again there was something different about these particular humans. They weren't like the others. After careful thought, he gave a small nod.

Cade sighed with relief and Ayisha beamed, whispering a 'yes!' under her breath before jumping down to change into her work clothes, all too excited to help her big brother work on an alien robot.


"You took a hell of a hit, y'know. Must've just missed your power source," Cade said as he climbed a metal step ladder beside Optimus.

"Was that from the missile, Cade?" Ayisha asked as she carried some tools over. She'd changed into a stained white tank top and baggy greyish green overalls.

Cade shrugged and gave a so-so gesutre. "Mehh, I think that definitely contributed."

The Autobot watched Ayisha with perplexed optics as she whistled like a songbird, jogging between Cade and the work bench for whatever tools he needed. The peaceful familiarity she gave brought a strange sense of comfort with her presence. After a moment, he turned to Cade.

"We call it a spark," he said, placing a servo to his chest. "It contains our life force...and our memories."

"Woah..that sounds cool," Ayisha said as she lifted Cade's toolbox so he could reach it.

"We call it a soul," the big brother added. Ayisha continued to whistle as she collected bits of shrapnel from Optimus' body.

"Yeah but 'spark' sounds way cooler," she whispered to Cade with a grin.

Optimus narrowed his eyes in thought as he pried a mortar shell from his shoulder and flicked it away. "Cade, Ayisha...why are you willing to help me?" he asked, sounding almost weary as he glanced between the siblings.

They looked at each other before looking back at Optimus. "Why wouldn't we?" Ayisha said, sounding suddenly sincere. She shrugged. "I mean, sure, the idea of having an actual...y'know transformer in our barn is a little intimidating, but...that doesn't mean we can just turn a blind eye. Good or bad. All sentient creatures deserve a chance for redemption." She glanced at her brother. "Without that hope, we'll never have lasting peace; it'll just a never ending circle of...well, pain." Optimus' eyes widened as she spoke, her words sounding almost like an echo of his own. It gave him an unnaturally warm feeling, hearing the inspiring words he often told others, yet could never tell himself, hard as he tried.

Cade looked at her and tilted his head. "...Was that William Shatner?"

Ayisha rolled her eyes with a smirk, smacking his arm, "Y'know what, shuttup! I was trying to be sincere!"

"Oh right, uh huh!" Cade nodded sarcastically with a laugh as Ayisha walked off with the bucket of shrapnel she'd filled. He sighed and looked at Optimus. "It's probably because you trust us to help." He shrugged and pointed his thumb behind him. "Besides, by the sound of it, the speech-giver over there wouldn't let me hear the end of it if we didn't at least try to fix you up."

Optimus looked down as Cade turned on his blowtorch, Ayisha's earlier words still very much ringing in his thoughts like a church bell. All sentient creatures deserve a chance for redemption...

WOO! two chapter in one day ladies and gents!!! (apologies for the double post, changes were made last second TwT) How're we feeling about the pacing of everything? good, bad, mild?? like in the story XD lemme know!! Im totally flying by the seat of my pants here, idk how much the transformers fans have changed since i was last here *cries* TwT (oh and just because i was gone for God knows how long, doesnt mean I wont stuff my chapters with references, yall keep an eye out, im not telling you this time B3)

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