⚜️The Rules Just Changed⚜️

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Everything hurt. But she felt calm.


Why did she feel so calm? She was in pain. Her ribs felt like they were on fire. She just lost one of her best friends. Her big brother and niece almost died. She was actively rebelling against the police, the government... They were in imminent danger. They were targeted. They were probably going to die.


So...why did she feel safe? Right here, right now, wherever she was. Truthfully she wasn't sure where she was. But why did she feel safe?


The woman yelped as her brother shouted, causing her to jerk upright and send a shock of pain to her ribs. She bit down a cry, wrapping an arm around her middle as she readjusted. "What the heck, Cade??" she grunted.

"You wouldn't wake up, what was I supposed to do?!" Cade shouted before shaking his head. "It doesn't matter- look behind you!"

She rose a brow at him before looking behind her and giving a startled shriek, which earned another jolt of pain. She gritted her teeth, "I've gotta stop doing that..."

Behind her, the same tail from before had appeared, only now, upon closer observation, she could see what should've been fur was several thin pieces of metallic plating, which strangely had the flexibility of a whip. It was unlike anything she'd ever seen before. She quickly discovered the ears had reappeared too, with the same metallic plating and all. They grew over her ears, replacing them. The metallic plating melded into her skin and faded away in speckles.

"You're really something, Aisha," Cade shook his head with a laugh as he walked away to grab Tessa and Shane. Ayisha rolled her eyes.

I'll say, Optimus thought.

After loading up, only taking the bare minimum, the Autobot leader drove the company of fugitives to a truck stop called The Hole 'N the Rock. Throughout the morning, her ears and tail flickered like a lightbulb, fading in and out of existence. Ayisha had been trying to control them, and any other powers she seemed to have, but it was no use. At one point, she'd given up out of frustration.

"YO! Cade, lookit that one!!"

"Oh my gosh, Ayisha, chill!" Cade said sternly.

"But-but Cade! Look at all those souvenirs...!" his little sister whined as she leaned over his back, using a pair of small binoculars to look at the people below.

Cade groaned. "Oh my- you know what? You're grounded! Go sit with Optimus until we leave."

Ayisha gasped and stumbled back. "What! You can't ground me!"

"I just did! Now, move it!" Cade sternly placed his hands on his hips and pointed to Optimus, who was parked a few feet away. Ayisha growled and stamped her foot before trudging over to the old truck.

She crossed her arms with a huff. "Ayisha?"

Ayisha glared at Cade through the windshield. Somehow, he'd gotten one of Cemetry Wind's drones and was controlling it to use the ATM or something.

"Uh-huh," she answered, refusing to break her stare towards her brother.

"Your tail," the radio said, pointing out Ayisha's tail that inevitably appeared, flicking grumpily. "Are you alright?"

Ayisha groaned. "Ugh, no. My dumb big brother 'grounded' me and now I have to sit in here while they get to do all the cool James Bond stuff."

"James bond?"

She waved him off. "He's a super spy, it's a movie thing. I'll explain it to you later."

"Ah. Well, please tell Cade we need to move. We've already been here too long."

Ayisha sighed and nodded. "You got it." She hopped out of the truck and jogged over to Cade and the others. "Cade, Optimus said we gotta get moving."

Cade glanced at her and nodded. "Alright, gimme a sec..." Ayisha jogged back over to Optimus. She grabbed onto the side of the truck when she saw 4 police cars coming towards them, sirens blaring and all. "Guys we gotta go!" she called to the other three.

Cade packed up his equipment and got into the truck, followed by Tessa and Shane. As Ayisha slammed her door shut, Optimus took off, leaving a scene behind them.


They had been driving for a couple of hours and they hadn't seen civilization for miles.

"Calling all~...Calling all autobots," a radio on the ceiling transmitted with a low hint of static here and there. It'd been repeating the same message every couple minutes.

Ayisha tilted her head as she formed the strange glowing particles between her fingers into loose shapes. "Hmm," she hummed when a deep honk caught her attention.

She looked out the window where she saw a large, white truck driving by. She whistled and grinned. "Now, that's a beauty..." She quickly realized what she said and turned to the steering wheel. "Not that you don't look awesome, Optimus. Uh, you look great," she said quickly with a pat of the dash.

As if on cue, a blue light shot out from his side and scanned the white truck.

"Woah!" Ayisha exclaimed. She gave a squeak as she, Cade, Tessa and Shane were suddenly jerked back. She hugged her sides instinctively, pain jolting through her again. "Ugh, what on earth...." She trailed off as she got a look at the cabin.

The old, worn seats had been replaced with clean fresh leather and any sign of dust or cobweb was gone without a trace. Ayisha grinned and laughed. "Hell yeah! Lookin' good, Optimus!" she shouted, smacking the dashboard twice. Her tail swished happily and her eyes sparkled.

Shane seemed just as excited as she was. "Woo! That was insane! It was awesome but insane, right?!" Ayisha laughed and gave him a high-five. She glanced at Cade and Tessa who were more in shock and awe than anything else.

Optimus suddenly turned onto a dirt road off the main one and they drove between mountainous rock formations. Ayisha gasped as Optimus lowered the window for her.

Atop one of the rocks, she spotted a large army green transformer. "Aw, yeah. Hell yeah!! He's back! He's alive! Optimus is here!!!" he hollered with joy, shooting his guns at the sky.

Ayisha grinned with awe as the autobot disappeared behind the rocks. Optimus drove into a clearing where a bright green transformer in coat tails jogged along side him, celebrating all the while. "Haha, yeah! Mr. Leader of the Free Galaxy's back! I knew you'd make it; I never doubted," he said proudly.

From somewhere overhead, a helicopter arrived and transformed into a blue autobot resembling a Samurai. "We got your warning." He bumped the bright green transformer gently before putting his hands together in front of him. "We've been waiting," he said calmly.

The army green autobot from earlier jumped down and landed on the ground with a rumble. "Hell yeah, boom time! We got the gang back together!"

Ayisha looked out the window with awe as she saw a black and yellow transformer walking up from a nearby hill. He was smaller than the other autobots; Ayisha guessed he was the youngest.

Cade, Tessa and Shane got out, but before Ayisha could follow suit, Optimus transformed around her until she found herself situated in his palm. She looked over the edge. "Woah, I'm high up," she muttered to herself.

"Humans have asked us to play by their rules," Optimus said sharply as he lifted Ayisha onto his shoulder. "Well...the rules have just changed."

WOOLSKAFNDVJM I dont have a bunch of commentary for these things i just. it feels so good to write TwT I havent written and posted stories for like, so long and its like a frikin fresh breath of air!! XD

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