⚜️Wishful Thinking⚜️

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"That's it! All the way!" Cade shouted as Lucas and Ayisha watched him direct the tow-truck driver. Ayisha turned her head from where she sat on the fence and nudged Lucas. "Oh boy, brace yourself," she muttered.

"Oh my gosh, Dad, a truck?!" a tall teenage girl shouted. She had long, straight blonde hair and she wore a pink flannel shirt and short shorts. And when I say short shorts, I mean short shorts.

"She's pissed," Ayisha coughed, earning a chuckle from Lucas.

Tessa stormed over to her father in a fit. "Dad, please tell me you didn't spend our money on this," the teenager said, her hands on her hips. Ayisha couldn't help but smirk at how this girl had more attitude than a peacock at a beauty pageant!

"Oh, don't worry, he spent mine and Isha's money. All $150 of it," Lucas whined.

Ayisha shrugged. "I didn't really mind. I already bought the groceries for this week, so..."

Cade turned to Lucas. "Well, hey, it's an advance on your regular paycheck," he explained.

"What regular paycheck?" Lucas asked.

"Which you will get back."


"Never. We're broke," Tessa interrupted, walking over to Lucas and Ayisha.

Ayisha sighed as the three kept arguing. Hopping off the fence, she trudged over to the tow-truck, where a scruffy looking driver sat patiently.

"Excuse me, can you take the truck into the barn, please," the dark hair asked with a polite, only somewhat tired, smile.

The driver nodded and tipped his engineer-like hat. "Sure thing, sweetheart. Hop in, I'll give you a lift." The barn wasn't too far from the tow-truck, but Ayisha didn't feel like walking so she excepted the man's offer.

"So, let me guess," the driver said as he began to move. "You're the inventor's sister?"

Ayisha laughed slightly. "Is it that obvious?"

The old man smirked. "Well, I can definitely see a family dynamic between you guys. And you sure as hell ain't related to that hippie over there!"

Ayisha laughed. As the man pulled up to the barn, he turned to Ayisha. "But, I can tell, you guys love each other a lot. You got a good thing going here; don't let anything happen to it."

Ayisha smiled softly and thanked him before getting out. After she helped unload the truck, she was saying bye to the driver when he suddenly stopped.

"Hey, kid," he shouted out his window. Ayisha went up to his door where he had one arm hanging outside.

"Yes sir?"

"I heard this place is for sale..." Ayisha's eyes widened and she looked down. "I hope you guys turn out okay," the man said softly. She looked up at him and grinned.

"I think we will," she replied with a hopeful tone. The driver smirked and gave a small laugh before leaving down the road.

Ayisha skipped into the barn, hoping things had calmed down between her family members....which they hadn't.

"So it only brings the beer part of the way? Is that the trick?"

"It's got a couple of kinks, man!"

Ayisha sighed sadly and went over to the truck.

Tuning out the arguments behind her, Ayisha ran her hand over the truck and opened the cabin door. She sat in the front seat and placed her hands on the wheel. "I guess we're both fixer uppers, huh, buddy," she said softly. She glanced out the windshield where Lucas was in the lounge and Tessa and Cade were still fighting.

She sighed and leaned against the seat. "Something's gotta turn this family around." She looked at the steering wheel and smiled. "Think you can help with that, big guy?"

"Are you talking to the truck," a sudden voice asked.

Ayisha jumped. "Cade!!" She sighed a growl, "What the heck is wrong with you!! You can't just sneak up on people like that! Jeez..."

Cade laughed. "This coming from the fearless female Evel Knieval over here?"

"Oh my g- you know what? Shut up! I was 10 and I paid for that expression dearly when I broke my arm." she glared. Cade laughed and treaded back towards his work bench. His laughter died down as he noticed a dark blue car in the yard.

"Looks like purple people eater's back and she looks hungry," he said, grabbing his bat.

Ayisha laughed and jumped out of the truck to chase after her brother. "Cade! No!"

Tessa rolled her eyes throwing her hands in the air as she followed her father. "Here we go again..."


Ayisha snored lightly on the green loveseat. She was situated upside down in a weird way and her legs hung over the back of the couch.

"Yes...YES!! Ha ha!!"

Ayisha squeaked and fell off the couch. She shook her head and stared at Cade from her spot on the floor. Apparently, he was working on one of his projects.

She stood up and dusted herself off. "Hey, you got it?" she asked with a yawn, walking over to him.

Her brother laughed victoriously. "Yep," he said, giving her a high-five. Ayisha grinned at Cade's success, until the robot started to tremble and shake.

"No, no, no. Stop shaking! Why are you shaking?! You have the job," Cade whined before growling under his breath and throwing his tools aside. He sighed and lowered his head.

Ayisha rested a hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry, Cade. It...it just needs a little work is all; some fine tuning," she said softly.

"You forgot to eat dinner," Tessa announced as she entered the barn with a tray of food. She set it on the work table next to Cade's robot. "You see why I worry?"

Ayisha looked at the food with wide eyes and licked her lips. "Ooh! Yum!"

Just before she could touch the tray, Tessa moved it away from her. "Not for you. You can get plenty of your own food at the house."

Ayisha crossed her arms and planted herself back on the loveseat. "How rude..."

Cade wiped the sweat from his forehead with a rag. "Look, I'm sorry, sweetie, I...I almost got this thing working..."

"It's okay," Tessa replied softly. After a few seconds of silence, she cleared her throat. "Listen, I'm finished with homework and set with finals so...I was wondering if I could go on a ride with my friends?" Cade looked at Tessa before turning to Ayisha. He didn't even need to speak before she knew he needed to be alone with his daughter. Ayisha nodded and jogged lightly over to the truck, where she sat idly in the cabin.

As Cade and his daughter went outside, Ayisha waited in the truck for him to come back and start working on it. While she waited, she traced pictures in the cracks of the leather and she poked around in any compartment she could find. The truck was so strangely fascinating to her...a part of her wanted to protest against Cade's decision to take it apart. She had a terrible feeling about this truck...as though there was something so much more to it than just being a rickety old hunk of junk. She couldn't quite put her finger on it but this truck was important, her brother just needed see it.

🤩 woooooo!!!! LESGO! Another chapter in the hole UwU ....I don't have much to say here, I'm just beaming that I'm not stressing like I usually would be, it's weird 😆

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