⚜️Cemetery Wind⚜️

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As Ayisha was dumping the shrapnel into a barrel, a Lucas' car pulled up.

"Took you long enough," Tessa shouted from the porch with annoyance. Lucas stepped out of the car, holding a large ice pack to his forehead.

"My head hurts. I had to go to a doctor; I got a bruise on my head that makes me look like a freakin' Star Trek character," Lucas complained.

Ayisha leaned on the doorframe, crossing her arms. "Worf or Elim Garak?"

The redhead sneered a fake laugh. "Ehehehe- you're hilarious." He rolled his eyes as Ayisha followed him inside with a smug laugh.

As Lucas collapsed on the couch, she winced at the sound of metal clinking together. "Hey, be careful with those!" she exclaimed, swiping the bag from his hands. "If you break these, we'll have to go out and buy more parts! I don't think we have room in our budget to buy more stuff."

Lucas narrowed his eyes with an incredulous expression. "What budget? You guys are gonna lose the house soon anyways."

"No we aren't! We're gonna be fine Lucas," Ayisha insisted, sounding almost desperate.

"Wh- How?! You saw the eviction notice on the door!"

Across the barn, where Cade was working on Optimus, the autobot leader overheard their conversation. "Cade, your red haired friend. Is what he says true? You and your family are going to be removed from your home," he asked quietly so the other two didn't hear him.

Cade sighed and lifted the visor of his welding helmet. "Yeah, I'm afraid so... We've been hitting a few speedbumps...money's been kinda scarce so it's hard to stay on our feet."

Optimus looked towards Ayisha and watched her continue to argue. He frowned and turned to Cade. "Then why does Ayisha insist that you will be fine?"

Cade shrugged. "Because that's just who she is. She never loses hope. Probably one of the only reasons I've made it this far. No matter how reckless or stupid my ideas were, even after we lost Emily...she's always had my back." He shook his head. "I should be way off worse. But I'm not. There's a reason for that. And now you know a little something about Ayisha."

Optimus hummed in thought. The barn was silent for awhile after that, aside from the noises of Cade and Ayisha fixing Optimus.


The room froze instantly at the sound of Tessa's cry outside. "Cade, keep working," Ayisha told her brother as she went outside. She gasped as dozens of black vehicles drove down their road.

"Oh no," she muttered before sprinting back inside, "Cade. It's Cemetery Wind! They're coming for Optimus!"

Lucas panicked. "Oh no! Wh-what are we going to do?!"

Ayisha paced quickly, thinking hard before turning to Lucas. "Okay, Lucas, c'mon, follow me outside. Cade, help Optimus hide." We'll try to buy you some time."

Cade nodded. "Yes ma'am. Good idea."

With a smug grin, she shrugged. "Thanks, I have those sometimes." She and Lucas went outside while Cade stayed behind in the barn.

As Ayisha, Lucas and Tessa went to the front of the house, black cars surrounded the property and helicopters flew overhead.

Cade soon joined Ayisha's side. "Is he safe?" she whispered, looking around at the suspicious cars.

"Yeah, they won't find him," he replied equally quiet with a nod. The four of them watched in silence as a man in a black trench coat and sunglasses stepped out of the nearest vehicle, followed by others that were practically clones.

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