⚜️Ayisha's Powers⚜️

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Sometime after sundown, Optimus hadn't returned and an angry silence had remained over the abandoned gas station. Ayisha hadn't come in once, she just stayed right outside on that curb, staring at the horizon and waiting.

Eventually, Cade came out to check on her. He seemed like he wanted to say something, he just wasn't sure what. "So...you're magical now, huh?" he asked, sitting next to her.


"At the house. They were about to shoot Tess and you kinda... shzoOOMM!" He tried to explain, making odd gestures, paired with goofy sound effects.

Ayisha raised a brow and stifled a small laugh at her brother's shenanigans. She sighed, her expression tired. "I...I dunno. Maybe I'm a wizard."

Cade tilted his head. "You didn't know you could do all that?"

"N-no!" Ayisha shouted, causing Cade to raise his hands defensively.

"Hey, hey, okay, calm down, it's okay."

She sighed and looked down. "Sorry..." She looked at her hands, flexing them a bit as spurts of blue sparkling dust floated around her palm and fingers.

She shifted uncomfortably and ran a hand through her hair. "...What am I, Cade?"

He looked at her. "You're my little sister."

She shook her head and rolled her eyes. "That's not funny."

"I wasn't joking."

"Cade, I might've killed someone today!" She turned to face him, distress written in her features. "I-I don't know what happened or- I had ears and a tail! What the hell was that about?! This weird glowing dust stuff keeps accumulating around me like an old piece of furniture and-"

"Aisha." her brother said firmly, grabbing her attention. He looked down for a moment, trying to think of the right words. "We're...gonna figure this out. Okay? You may have almost killed someone to protect your niece, my little girl. As far as I'm concerned, you don't have anything to worry about. No matter what, normal or not, you're still my goofy little sister. Some fancy sparkle fingers and a laser light show aren't gonna change that."

Doubt colored her expression as she stared at him worriedly. "Let's focus on cleaning up this mess first. We'll sort out your weird super powers later," he said with a gentle tone, wrapping his arm around her and squeezing.

After a moment, Ayisha nodded and looked down. He patted her thigh and stood up, going to lean on the door frame of the gas station before letting out a sigh.

"You ok?" At some point, Shane had come out. Cade glanced at him and looked back to the darkening horizon. "I've been better..."

Shane nodded. "I feel that."

There was a long moment of silence before Cade spoke up. "They were willing to kill her..."

"Then they still are," Shane replied after a moment.

Ayisha looked at the ground and her expression hardened at the memory. She growled and stood up, turning to the men behind her. "They're not gonna stop until our bodies are on the ground, or in a federal prison."

Cade and Shane watched her as she placed her hands on her hips, her confident demeanor a stark contrast to the panicked worry she'd felt seconds earlier. "Now, I don't know about you guys, but I'm don't plan on losing to those assholes any time soon."

"And we sure as hell ain't dying," Cade finished, earning a congratulative grin from his sister.

"What makes you so sure of that?" Shane asked with a smartass tone.

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