⚜️The Autobots⚜️

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"Human beings," Hound, the green army bot snorted, "bunch'a back stabbing weasels..."

The blue transformer, Drift, put his hands together calmly. "Hound, find your inner compass. Loyalty is but a flower in the winds of fear and temptation..."

He frowned. "What the hell are you sayin'?"

"It's a Haiku."

"Cut the crap before I drop a grenade down your throat!"

Optimus and Ayisha glanced at each other. He sighed and shook his head. "Never a dull moment with company like this," Ayisha said quietly, earning a soft chuckle from the autobot leader.

"You know what~save us so much time," the black and yellow autobot said through his radio. Ayisha noticed how rather than talking like the others, he made sentences by switching through the radio stations. She tilted her head and felt an ear twitch. Great, they're back.

"Hey, how come the black and yellow one doesn't talk like you guys," the brunette whispered to Optimus, trying to ignore the strange ears and tail that had appeared once again.

"That's Bumblebee," he explained quietly. "His vocal processors were damaged in battle, but during our time on Earth, he found a way to communicate using his radio. He's gotten rather imaginative with it over the years."

"Aw," Ayisha said sadly, placing a hand on her heart as her ears flattened.

She turned to the bright green autobot, Crosshairs, who pointed in the air. "Well raise your hand if you're thoroughly disenchanted with our pleasant little earth vacation. Now who's the stowaways!" He swiftly turned to Cade, Tessa and Shane with his weapons drawn.

"Woah, hey, what's with the guns?" Cade asked.

Ayisha's eyes widened. "Cade!" Hound rolled across the ground in front of Optimus, holding a machine gun.

Optimus pushed Hound's gun away. "Enough Hound; both of you! They've risked their lives for mine. We are in their debt." Ayisha sighed with relief as the autobots lowered their weapons.

Crosshairs eyed her on Optimus' shoulder and pointed his gun at her. "And what about this one?"

Before Optimus could answer, Ayisha's eyes widened with awe and she jumped onto the barrel on the gun. "Hey, watch it, bub," she warned, as if a giant robot wasn't pointing a weapon as big as her face at her. "I could take that thing apart and put it back together and five minutes flat."

The four autobots stared at her, seemingly put off by her bravery. Not like they hadn't seen such boldness from a human before, but Ayisha was virtually defenseless as far as they could see. Killing her would've been a piece of cake yet she spoke as if she was as big as they were.

Optimus held his hand out for Ayisha before lifting her back up to his shoulder. "This is Ayisha. She has risked her life for me as well."

Hound stared at her quizzically. "Does she have, uh, what's that thing tinier humans get? Little man syndrome?" he asked, poking her ears lightly.

Ayisha blinked. "Hey!" She pushed his digit away with a glare. "I'm an average human height, thank you."

Drift tilted his head, looking her over. "What is she? Her veins are flowing with...stardust." He sounded like he wanted to say something else, but stopped with stardust.

Ayisha hesitated and looked down. Optimus cleared his throat. "She saved my life," he said calmly.

The blue bot mentally noted how his question was ignored. He hummed and nodded. "Well, we owe you our thanks. I am Drift."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2023 ⏰

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