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~The next day. Morning~

At first Anna woke up early in the morning by herself. Today she was planning an escape, she opened the door and looked out. There was no one and the princess decided that this was her chance, before she could run five centimeters, she crashed into the Emperor.

Yuma: Are you going far?

He asked coldly.

Anna: I'm just hungry, so I decided to have breakfast while no one is there.

She said without looking at him.

Yuma: Okay, then we'll have breakfast together.

He grabbed her arm and pulled her along.

Anna: LET GO! I can walk by myself!
Yuma: It's just in case she didn't run away. Or is it better for you to make a collar and carry it on a leash?
Anna: I'm a princess, not a dog!
Yuma: So just go in silence. And I prefer cats more.

~In the dining room~

Anna was sitting next to Nosaka, breakfast had already been served to them. The Emperor was looking at some papers. The girl looked at him and her cheeks acquired a slight blush.

*Anna's thoughts: Damn... How can you be so beautiful and sexy... He didn't fully button up his shirt on purpose!? Compared to yesterday's view, its today's view is excellent. Black pants, shirt and even shoes. Even though he wears all black, but it looks so cool on him. I want to touch his chest and torso... Stop! What am I thinking about!? But... For some reason, I want to master it so much... That's enough! Has he bewitched me!? Well, I couldn't fall in love at first sight, could I?...*

Suddenly a man's voice pulled her out of her thoughts.

Yuma: Is something wrong? Why don't you eat?
Anna: And this... I was just thinking. What if there's poison in the food and you're planning to grow me.
Yuma: If you didn't know, then we need you alive. So there's no point in me trying to kill you.
Anna: Why would you sign a peace treaty with our kingdom? Wouldn't you alone be enough to capture him?
Yuma: Princess, do you not care about your people and what will become of them? You yourself see the results of the war perfectly well and want all this to continue?
Anna: No...
Yuma: So I don't want my people to die. That's why I'm striving to end this war. After all, if your father agrees to conclude a peace treaty, then you will not have to marry the unloved. Including for me, too.

Anna's face turned red, she looked at him in surprise.

Anna: How much have you heard?
Yuma: Quite a lot. The funny thing is that you contradict your own words.

He said with a grin.

Anna: Well... Had I known I wouldn't have said something like this...
Yuma: So would
you still prefer to marry that muddy type or still for me?
Anna: You're both muddy types! That's why I don't want to marry any of you! But if I was forced to choose between him and you. Then no matter how much I hate you, but you will be the best and most profitable option.
Yuma: And you're not stupid. And I can understand you, too. The previous Emperor started this war with you, which is why you hate us. Therefore, even if I had offered marriage as a union, you would not have accepted it.
Anna: That's right. Is that why you decided to kidnap me and demand a peace treaty as a ransom?
Yuma: Yes. And I'm not such an idiot that I wouldn't understand that you tried to escape this morning. I hope you will understand me, Princess, and will no longer create unnecessary trouble. And from now on, don't skip a meal if you don't want me to feed you.
Anna: That's not enough yet... Okay, I won't skip meals anymore.
Yuma: And are we going to try to escape?

[Nosaka x Anna]Light and DarknessWhere stories live. Discover now