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Walking around the city, the princess suddenly had a rumbling stomach. Anna felt embarrassed about it.

Hikaru: It looks like you're hungry. We are lucky that there is a small food shop very close by. Let's hurry up before we sell out everything!

He said with a smile.

Anna: That's not necessary... I don't have money for food anyway. You'd better go without me and buy yourself something to eat, and I'll wait for you on that bench.

She pointed her finger at the bench that stood next to the fountain. Hikaru agreed and went to buy food, and the princess went to the bench and sat down.

~Meanwhile, Haizaki is with Akane~

Haizaki opened his eyes and felt pain.

Akane: Rehei! You're awake!

The girl was sitting next to him and worried about him. There were tears in her eyes. After examining the area around him for a bit, he realized that they were in a dungeon.

Haizaki: So we were captured after all...
Akane: Yes. After the battle with the main commander of the knights, you were severely injured, which caused you to lose consciousness. Fortunately, your wounds have been treated and bandaged.
Haizaki: I see. But why weren't there Socks with them? Is he really dead?...

Akane snuggled up to Haizaki.

Akane: It looks like this is the end for the kingdom of《Moon》...

She said sadly.

~Back to Anna~

After a while, Hikaru came up to her with a lot of food. The princess was surprised.

Anna: And you have a big appetite... If I'm not mistaken, this is a good sign. This means that you are on the mend.

Hikaru sat down next to her on the bench and placed a plate of food between them.

Hikaru: Not really... Don't take this as rude, but your appearance doesn't look good. It feels like you haven't eaten in days and you look very tired. You look more like a sick person than I do. That's why I bought more food to treat you.

He said with an awkward smile.

Anna: Thank you, but...

Before she could finish, she was interrupted.

Hikaru: Refusal is not accepted! If you're not comfortable, then let's do this. Do you remember that I saved you then? Then let it be so, as a thank you, you will help me eat everything!
Anna: All right.

She said with a kind smile. They started eating while talking. Suddenly, they heard a noise and screams. When they turned towards the sound of the noise, they saw a monster.

Anna: Where does the monster come from?!
Hikaru: I don't know, but I have a couple of assumptions. But it doesn't matter now. We need to run.

He grabbed her hand and ran into the alley with her. Hikaru carefully and carefully looked out to make sure that they would not fall into the field of view of the monster. The guy was horrified by what he saw and completely hid. He began to tremble with fear. The princess tried to calm him down and bring him to his senses.

Anna: Sir Hikaru, calm down. You need to pull yourself together!

She spoke softly.

Hikaru: This is the end... We're all going to die. These monsters are impossible to kill...

[Nosaka x Anna]Light and DarknessWhere stories live. Discover now