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~The next day~

Anna didn't trust Akane, so she decided it would be better and safer to escape by herself. Especially when she had a great opportunity, it was a sin not to take advantage of it. The girl opened the door a crack and saw that no one was there. She left the room, quietly and carefully she walked down the corridor.

*Anna's thoughts: Suspicious... Why is there no one here? It's good for me, of course, but it still feels kind of weird. Did they really decide not to follow me as soon as Nosaka left? If we recall Mitsuru's words, then perhaps the people of the dark Emperor have already buried him. After all, no one has ever returned alive from the territory of monsters... I don't want to say it or admit it, but I felt much safer when Nosaka was here... If news of his death comes out, then my life will be in danger. Damn Father! Why didn't you immediately decide to make a peace treaty with him?! And now you keep dragging it out! If you had done it right away, then I would have returned home the same day! Ugh...*

While she was busy with her thoughts, she did not notice how she had already reached the main exit. The princess hurried away from the castle when suddenly... She bumped into something and fell on her ass. The girl decided to see what she had crashed into and was surprised.

*Anna's thoughts: No one... But what did I bump into?*

She got up and tried to go outside again, but crashed again. This time she didn't fall, but she didn't understand what was going on.

*Anna's thoughts: Why can't I get out and crash all the time? Is that an invisible wall? Or an illusion? Now it's no wonder why no one is following me... Nosaka Yuma, damn him!*

She kicked at that invisible thing. The princess began to try to destroy this thing, but failed every time. After a while, she got tired and decided to go back to her room, along the way she met Akane and Haizaki.

Akane: Princess, I'm just looking for you. Breakfast is already ready.

She said with a smile. Anna looked at them incredulously, but went with them. The princess was hungry since yesterday, she hadn't eaten all day.

~In the dining room~

Anna was sitting at the table and was disappointed, because it looks like she will have to starve again.

*Anna's thoughts: They served me like this all the time yesterday... Why spoil the food? If they feel sorry for food for me, then at least let them just give me bread and water, and not these insects...*

Anna: Isn't there something else?
Haizaki: Are you also going over here?! Ungrateful!
Akane: Princess, what exactly do you dislike about this dish?
Anna: That's it! It doesn't even look edible! If you feel so sorry for normal food for me, then just give me regular bread and water.
Akane: The Princess...

Akane wanted to object, but was interrupted by Haizaki.

Haizaki: Akane, bring her bread and water. If she starves to death, then we will have problems.

He said with displeasure. The maid brought her some bread and water. The princess took the bread without further ado and ate it, then washed it down with water. After finishing her breakfast, she headed to her room under the supervision of Haizaki.

~In the princess's room~

*Anna's thoughts: Hmm... Maybe try to escape through the window? I hope it's not too high up here.*

She decided to look out the window to find out what the height was. Seeing the great distance between her room and the ground, she decided to drop the idea. After all, the height was very high, and she did not have enough fabric to make a rope or cable out of them, and considering how all the staff of this castle treated her, she understood that they would not give her anything. She propped her head on her hand and sighed sadly.

[Nosaka x Anna]Light and DarknessWhere stories live. Discover now