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After a while, Anna and Hikaru finished talking about what happened to them.

Mitsuru: I see... Princess, there's something else I'm interested in. Why did you come here and not to the Emperor's castle?

The girl lowered her head.

Anna: That's it...

But before she could say anything, she was interrupted.

Mitsuru: I think we should postpone this issue until tomorrow. I'm sorry for being so rude. You've been through so much today, you should go to sleep too. So I suggest we end it for today.

Anna and Hikaru agreed with him. The girl went to the room she shared with Otani. And the brothers went to their rooms.

~The next day~

Otani and the Ichihoshi brothers woke up before anyone else. She helped them prepare breakfast, and then went to wake the princess. When she reached the right door, she knocked.

Anna: Yes, come in.

The maid opened the door and was surprised that the princess was sitting on the bed and looking out the window. She did not expect Anna to wake up on her own, as usually the girl always liked to sleep longer. Otani noticed her sad expression. The maid came closer and sat down next to her on the bed.

Otani: Is something wrong Princess?

She asked anxiously.

Anna: Otani... It looks like some kind of spell has been cast on me.
Otani: Don't worry about it! As soon as Hiura wakes up, we will ask him to examine you for magic. If you are really bewitched, then he will remove the spell from you! But why do you think you've been bewitched?
Anna: Just looking at the Emperor of Darkness, I feel some strange feelings. I doubt that this is love, since it is impossible to fall in love at first sight... Especially at your enemy. Maybe this terrible man did something to me...
Otani: Considering that the Emperor of Darkness can also use magic, then perhaps he could cast some kind of spell on you. Well, as I said earlier, don't worry princess. Hiura, she will definitely help you! Now let's go and eat.

She said with a big smile.

Anna: Yes, you're right.

She replied with a gentle smile.

~After a while~

Four guys were sitting at the table having breakfast.

Otani: I wonder when Hiura and Asuto will wake up?
Hikaru: They have serious injuries, it will take a long time for them to fully recover. Of course, you can speed this up with the help of magic healing, but for this you need to find a magician.
Anna: Then can I ask you to help with this?

The brothers looked at each other, and then sadly at the girls.

Hikaru: Unfortunately, there are no magicians in our kingdom.
Mitsuru: They used to be here, but because of the previous Emperor, there was only one magician left... Or rather, he survived...

The girls were shocked.

Otani: What happened?
Mitsuru: Some of them died, and others fled to other kingdoms to survive. The only magician who stayed here and survived is our Emperor, Nosaka Yuma.
Anna: But why did they die and the others ran away?
Mitsuru: Because they were being hunted then... I do not know exactly what happened then, and the Emperor does not want to talk about his past. And it can be understood... It is unknown what he had to go through. So that's all I know. It won't be sad, but the princess... Why aren't you at the castle? Considering that you are an important hostage, the Emperor could not let you go so easily.
Otani: If you think about it like that, then why were you in a dangerous place as a princess?
Hikaru: And you weren't dressed like a princess. Did you really want to escape?
Mitsuru: Did you quarrel with the Emperor?

[Nosaka x Anna]Light and DarknessWhere stories live. Discover now