Did... i fall in love?

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"I will never fall in love... believe me Ken. I hate people."

*10 p.m*

Finally finished with the collecting! 
Now i can rest at South's hideout.

Just in time as i got there - South got back to. He wasn't in a good mood. No one was. Why? Did i miss a fight? "Hey!" i greeted them. South grunts and walked past me. Kakucho did the same. Just the Haitanis greeted back. 

Something bad happened.

I said to myself. Maybe i can cheer South up! I tried to walk upstairs but Mochi grabed my shoulder. "I wouln'd recomend you to go up now. He's really mad. Wait a bit. Maybe we can help you." he said. I shook my head. "I actually wanted to cheer him up." i told him. He was kinda surprised. I head a laugh behind me. Shion came towards us. "Nah 'Zuha, the only way to cheer him up is a girl fucking him." he said. I raised an eyebrow. Is he for real? "I know some prostitutes. Maybe one got time." i said innocently. Both guys shook their head. What's wrong? I tried to find a solution! Kakucho came to us. "What are talking about?" he asked us. We told him that. He shook his head too. "I don't know him well but i think he's pissed at someone and not just a moody thing." he told us. 

I hope it's not me!

I said to my inner self. The guys nodded. As the Haitani's saw us talking, they were curious. We told him our problem. "So now it's a executive meeting to solve it." Rindou said with a smile. We all chuckle. He had a point. "Now what?" i asked in our circle of whisper - a discussion began: 

Ran: "I'm pretty sure he just need to beat some thugs. Than he'll be good ol' South." 
Kakucho: "No. Maybe he's hangry? Didn't saw him eating all day."
Rindou: "Maybe both?! Would make sence since the fight got interrupted."
Me: "What fight? Should i call the girl from a brothel?" 
Shion: "Didn't i told you not to?! A fight with Braham was interrupted by police."
Mochi: "Kinda sad. I wanted to fight Benkei." 
Me: "Mochi, not a good time to be sad! We need a solution." 
Ran: "... let's get them thugs in here." 
Kakucho: "No, he's HANGRY! A mix from hunger and being anrgy." 
Rindou: "He isn't angry, he's fucking pissed as fuuck!" 

We heard heavy footsteps walking towards us. So i decided to change subject. "So you all sure it suits me when i wear black or colors?" i asked them. Their minds needed a minute to proceed what happend. 

"What're doing here? A meeting without me?"

He said in a very terrifying tone. We all shook the head. "Maybe red suits you more than black." Shion told me. "No. Blue, like her eyes." Rindou said. South raised an eyebrow and looked at at me. I shrugged my shoulders and gave him a soft smile. "I'm trying to find out if i should wear some colors once in a while." i told him. 

Please believe it!

"Why didn't you ask me first? It really looked like a secret meeting." South said while looking me straight in the eye. It was, but we won't tell you that. "I need to... go." Mochi said. Kakucho nodded and backed off too. The Haitaini brothers suddenly hat a discussion about something hair related. Shion walks away in silence. It was just me and South. I still gave him a soft smile. "It looks like you had a bad day." i said. He nodds. We walked up to his office and i gave him the payment from the companys. His mood was bad, really bad.

"What happend?" i asked him while i placed myself next to him. He sighs. "I was just in a really good fighting mood. These fucked up cops came so we had to go." he said in a low tone. South didn't look at me. I hummed and leaned against his shoulder.... well bizeps to be honest but you know what i mean. He moved his arm, where my head was and put is over my shoulders. My head leaned against his chest... now. 

"You should try to wear blue. I think it fits you." he suddenly said. "Hm? Really? Maybe i should buy a few clothes in blue~" i said. I really enjoyed staying like this. 

I mean really.
Did i... fall in love perhaps?

My thoughts were screaming inside me. I closed my eyes. "Are you asleep?" he asked me. "No~" i said and chuckle. Something told me that his thoughts weren't here at all. He was absent... like me. "What are you thinking of?" i decided to ask. He humms. "Memories." he simply said. I clicked my tongue. "Really? My words against me?" i said while laughing. "No.. well yes but no. I thought of a memory from brazil." he told me. 

"Wait?! BRAZIL?" 

I sat up and looked at him. He nodded. "Yeah, i lived there until i was 14 years old. Wanna hear some stories?" he asked me. "HELL YEA!" i said and leaned back at his chest. So he told me something... it wasn't stories... it was his backstory!

"I was born in Rio de Janeiro, my mom was bedridden. So a guy called South helped us out. He was like a father to me. When i was five.. he told me to shoot some people. I did without hesistation. At the age of 12... i felt a certain urge and killed Dino. Now i was the boss of his gang. For two years everything seemed perfect. But... as i got 14, some guys came in my home. They shooted like there was no tomorrow.. sadly... for my mom wasn't a tomorrow. I got shot twice in my neck area. As soon as i got healthy, my grandparents took me in. So came back to japan.... so... you can say that i'm a bad person by blood." 

South didn't looked at me. His eyes locked into the ceiling. I opened my eyes. Did i hear right? His presence wasn't menancing at all, it was sad. So he really liked or loved his mother. "Sorry to hear that. At least you knew you mother well. Mine walked out and never came back. I was three at the time. And Ken... i mean Draken was two. We only have the girls from the brothel. I don't know what a family feels like." i told him. Tears ran down. He hummed. 

Why am i not intimidated by his story?
He's really a killer by blood. 
But why?! I feel bad for him. 

I asked myself that many times. "Sorry to hear that. We both had it rough. So that's why you didn't jumped up by my story." he said with a smile. "I don't care what others say. I like you. You're nice to me." i said with a smile


I yelled to my inner voice. He suddenly stood up. His smile wasn't like his usual! it was soft and his eyes didn't had the menancing look in it. 

Did he really like me?
What if he didn't played a game all time long?

"You're pure hearted you know that?" he said in a soft low tone. My eyes went wide. Did i hear right?! "YOU think that." i said and looked away. He laughed. "No, i know when a pure hearted girl is right in front of me." he said. 

He knelt down.
Grabbed my shoulders. 

South kissed me.

It was a passionate kiss. I couldn't resist and kissed him back. My stomach felt funny. Was it what they call 'butterflies'? It felt like i was in trance. My armes wrapped his around his neck. His arms slided themself to my waist. 

Did... i fell in love with a monster? 

~ A Monsters Love ~ TERANO x OC (Tokyo Reverngers)Where stories live. Discover now