Party pt III = Rokuhara's Arrival

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"There's no way i'm doing that again...." 
[A/N: Long Chapter]

~ 3rd Person POV ~

*11:30 p.m* 

South wasn't just upset.
He was mad.
Mad as fuck. 

Not only that Shion and Kazuha are running late. Nah, he was just told that a few of his members are in custody. Apperantly they were dumb enough to stay as sirens were heard. Even Kakucho didn't dared to say anything. Mochi stood a few steps away and was on a call with the Haitanis. Those brothers had currently a hot topic. They found something that was... quite not right. 

"THOSE IDIOTS! I'MMA KILL THEM!" South yelled and threw a few things around. He yelled a few curses and really bad words. Some of them were in brazilian portuguese. Mochi walked up to Kakucho. Slowly so South doesn't notice. "Kakucho..." he whispered. "What?" Kakucho whispered back. "Something wrong." Mochi whispered. Kakucho rolled his eyes. "No shit sherlock. Where are Shion and Kazuha?" Kakucho asked. Mochi froze and hold his phone up to Kakucho's ear. After that he told the Haitani's to say to him, what they just did to him. 

>> "The Restaurant is closed. Since 4 p.m..." <<

Kakucho's heart stopped. Did he just heard right? He shook his head and looked to Mochi. "Maybe she's at their home..." he whispered. Mochi told them to look at their place and hung up. "Maybe..." he whispered back. Both former Tenjiku members jumped as a whole couch flew by. Slowly their head turned around and a outta rage South apperead in front of them. 

"Where are they?"

He hissed with a tensed jaw. Kakucho took a deep breath. "The Haitani's can't find them." he dared to say. Right after that South punched his guts. Kakucho kneld down. Mochi knew he was next. South glared at him. Just in the moment he was about to throw fists - Shion came in. Immediately South grasped his collar and lift him up. His eye twitched as he saw that his beloved Kazuha was no where to be seen. 

"Where is she...?!"

he adjust his question. Shion hesistated with an answer. With only 30% of his power, South smashes Shion on the ground. Before he could hit the poor former 9th gen Black Dragon leader... Shion raised his voice. 


Shion yelled and hold his hands up for defense. South tilted his head. Mochi felt relieved since he didn't need to say this. Kakucho sighed and was kinda pissed. 

Couldn't Shion show up earlier?!

Kakucho said to himself. The Haitani brothers came back. Both of them told South the same as Shion did. "What do you mean the restaurant is closed?" South asked Ran. He shruggs his shoulders. "Apperantly the Manager couple left for vacation. The owner can't be called right know and the staff don't know shit." Ran said. Shion stood up and hold his throat in pain. South didn't knew that. How can that be? They told him everything since he was in charge of the Yakuza problem. 

Did she got kidnapped? 
Or is she... 
No way...

South's thought were cut and he took a deep breath. "Were is Brahams party?" he asked. Rokuhara's executives tilted their head. All asked themself: Why does he want to know that? "Why is this importand?" Mochi asked. "Kazuha's collegue asked her to attend there. If she's no where to be found... maybe she disobeyed me." South hissed. "Well... in Shinjuku. At a abandoned house. I know the way. We can go if you want." Kakucho told his boss. 

All of them drove to the party...

~ Kazuha's POV ~

I woke up.
It was dark outside.
I'm on a... backseat? 

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