Dead n' gone.

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"Sorry for being born."

Ken and Hakkai stared at me for like two minutes. 
I stared at Ken in disbelief. 

"Ken, listen... there may be something wrong with me, but it's not my mental health!" i hissed at him. My younger brother sighes and shook his head. "That's your problem. And the little fact that you're with South." he mumbled. "ThE FaCt tHaT yoU'Re wITH SoUTh" i mimicked. Their jaw dropped in disbelief. "What that's supposed to be?!" Ken hissed. "I know him in a way you guys will never! Don't sa-" - "HE KILLS PEOPLE! FOR FUN!!" Ken cut me off. Hakkai stayed quiet. 

he may hurt others...
But never me...

"Fuck off."





We yelled at each other for like five more minutes. I heard a bike roaming. It wasn't Minami... it wasn't Kakucho. But who in the hell could that be? We all turned around. It was a low rank from Minami's gang. He stopped and reached his hand to me. "You need to come with me! We found them!" he said. "And why do i need to come?" i asked. They left me on purpose! Why should i go to them now?! "Because South is about to kill this fucker. Kakucho said you need to come as fast as possible." this lowkey said. 

Well, that escalated quickly.

Slowly i nodded and got on his bike. Ken grasped my wrist. "Don't run away!" he said. "We got nothing to say. So leave me alone." i hissed at him. The lowkey finally drove off. What a good timing he had. 

~ Half an hour later ~

Again, a abandoned building. Why is it always a fucking abandoned building? Why not the train racks no one uses? I shook my head slightly. What a crazy way of thinking. I walked through the crowd. To a darkend room, i saw Mayumi in a terrible condition. She was tortured... that's for sure. I grabed her shoulders. "Hey, can you hear me?" i whispered to her. She looked in my eyes. "It's my fault... i should take the responsebility... at least one thing i can do." she whispered back. "Minami get's you out of here." i said and tried to rip her binding off. It was harder than i thought. "No, tell him that i'll take care of Hamaguchi." she whispered and almost lost her conciousness. "Mayumi! Hey!! Don't sleep! Minami has the back of an Yakuza! Hamaguchi dies either by Minami or this Yakuza." i said and slightly slapped her cheek. 

"It's cold... let me sleep for a bit."

Oh hell no! She won't die here! I finally loosened her binds and helped her standing. "No time for sleep! It's about to get bloody!" i said and tried to get her out. She wasn't heavy, just... not easy to hold since her legs didn't helped at all. I looked in her face. 


As we left the room. Two guys in a suit took Mayumi from my shoulder. "NO!" - "Don't be scared. She'll live." a familiar voice said. I turned my head. It was Nagasaki. His people carried her outside. "Let's find them before i need to kill you both." Nagasaki said. A shiver ran down my spine. I nodded and we searched for Minami. The crowd made space for us. Hamaguchi was barely moving. 

"I'm impressed. He's still alive. Terano, your sister is safe. Thanks to your little girl over here. I guess it's my time now. Get your 'staff' out." 

Nagasaki greeted Minami. He saw me next to him. He is shaking from the rage, but made space for Nagasaki. I didn't moved at all. Minami slowly walked over to me after the others got out. It was just Kakucho, Shion, Mocchi, the Haitainis and us left. Before he could say anything a shot roamed the halls. "Fucking piece of shit." Nagasaki whispered. His fellas came in with a lot of gas and lighter. "You're going to burn it down?" i asked this Nagasaki. He nodded immediately. "Let's say... it's like a favor being returned." he said in a creepy tone. My body froze. 

A Favor?
Being returned?!

Well, it's not the time to think about it. We're all watching outside how slowly the building is burning to ashes. Meanwhile Nagasaki is on a call with one of his underlings. Minami grasped my wrist. "How dare you. You can't give privat details to an enemy! Matter the fact if it's going to help or not!" he hisses at me. "She'll be dead by now! Thank you for saving her life." i mumbled. Before he could answer this Nagasaki came to us. 

"There was an rather ugly problem. Unfortunately your sister had an allergic reaction to something. Her heart stopped. My underlings weren't able to safe her once more. Sorry for you." 

Our jaws dropped. "What do you mean... an allergic reaction?!" Minami asked. "Allergic to penicillin, i assume." the Yakuza told us. Tears rolled down my face. 

She... was breathing...
She... was almost fine...
Now is she gone? 

Minami stared at Nagasaki. But not a word is crossing the line. We heard the sounds of authoritis comming closer. Within a minute everyone ran away. Minami pulled me with hin. My wrist starts to hurt more. "It hurts! I can walk just fine!" i tried to free myself. He didn't listen to a word i just said. What is wrong with him?! It hurts so bad, i'm crying like a little kid. Minami didn't talked to me while we drove to our hideout. 

~ At the Hideout ~

The two of us were alone in his office. He stared at the window, clenching his jaw and fists. I didn't know what i could say to make him less... pissed? Slowly but surely Minami turned around to me. Yes, i was still crying like a child. His vein popped up. Now it's clearly too late for anything. "She didn't deserved that you know?" he says. I raised an eyebrow. "She was the only one of us who takes the responsibiltiy. And it's your fault that she died." he said. My jaw dropped, my heart stopped beating. 

Was he for real?! 

"What makes you think that?! I didn't do shit!" i whispered in disbelief. His eye twitched. "Who says that Nagasaki didn't killed her. Saying she is allergic... without her corpse, you can say anything without proving it." Minami said and slowly walked in my direction. Something in me said: Back up! - So i walked a few steps back. Until i hit a wall. 

This isn't my Minami.
This isn't a normal person.

"Fuck off, don't come back. YOU'RE responsible for Mayumi's death. Remember that." Minami said. "... I'm sorry... for being born." i whispered. 

I made a run for it. 
Running without a destination.

~ A Monsters Love ~ TERANO x OC (Tokyo Reverngers)Where stories live. Discover now